Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX收发器PHY用户指南

ID 683054
日期 12/28/2017

2.8.5. CPRI的Native PHY IP参数设置

表 117.  常规选项和数据通道选项Parameter Editor for the Native PHY IP的前两个部分提供了用于自定义收发器的一列常规选项和数据通道选项。
Message level for rule violations



Transceiver configuration rules

CPRI (Auto)

CPRI (Manual)

PMA configuration rules


Transceiver mode

TX/RX Duplex

Number of data channels 1-12
Data rate

1228.8 Mbps

2457.6 Mbps

3072 Mbps

4915.2 Mbps

6144 Mbps

Enable datapath and interface reconfiguration Off
Enable simplified data interface On
表 118.  TX PMA参数
TX channel bonding mode

Not Bonded / PMA Bonding Only / PMA and PCS Bonding

TX local clock division factor 1
Number of TX PLL clock inputs per channel 1
Initial TX PLL clock input selection 0
Enable tx_pma_clkout port Off
Enable tx_pma_div_clkout port On
tx_pma_div_clkout division factor 2
Enable tx_pma_elecidle port Off
Enable rx_seriallpbken port Off
表 119.  RX PMA参数
Number of CDR reference clocks 1
Selected CDR reference clock 0
Selected CDR reference clock frequency 选择Quartus Prime软件定义的合法范围
PPM detector threshold 1000
CTLE adaptation mode manual
Enable rx_pma_clkout port Off
Enable rx_pma_div_clkout port On
rx_pma_div_clkout division factor 2
Enable rx_pma_clkslip port Off
Enable rx_is_lockedtodata port On
Enable rx_is_lockedtoref port On
Enable rx_set_locktodata and rx_set_locktoref ports Off
Enable rx_seriallpbken port Off
Enable PRBS verifier control and status ports Off
表 120.  标准PCS参数
Standard PCS / PMA interface width 20
FPGA fabric / Standard TX PCS interface width 32
FPGA fabric / Standard RX PCS interface width 32
Enable 'Standard PCS' low latency mode Off
TX FIFO mode register_fifo
RX FIFO mode register_fifo
Enable tx_std_pcfifo_full port Off
Enable tx_std_pcfifo_empty port Off
Enable rx_std_pcfifo_full port Off
Enable rx_std_pcfifo_empty port Off
TX byte serializer mode

Serialize x2

RX byte deserializer mode

Deserialize x2

Enable TX 8B/10B encoder On
Enable TX 8B/10B disparity control Off
Enable RX 8B/10B decoder On
RX rate match FIFO mode Disabled
RX rate match insert / delete -ve pattern (hex) 0x00000000
RX rate match insert / delete +ve pattern (hex) 0x00000000
Enable rx_std_rmfifo_full port Off
Enable rx_std_rmfifo_empty port Off
Enable TX bit slip

Off (CPRI Auto configuration)

On (CPRI Manual configuration)

Enable tx_std_bitslipboundarysel port

Off (CPRI Auto configuration)

On (CPRI Manual configuration)

RX word aligner mode

deterministic latency (CPRI Auto configuration)

manual (FPGA fabric controlled) (CPRI Manual configuration)

RX word aligner pattern length 10
RX word aligner pattern (hex) 0x000000000000017c
Number of word alignment patterns to achieve sync 3 25
Number of invalid data words to lose sync 3 25
Number of valid data words to decrement error count 3 25
Enable fast sync status reporting for deterministic latency SM On / Off
Enable rx_std_wa_patternalign port

On / Off

Enable rx_std_wa_a1a2size port Off
Enable rx_std_bitslipboundarysel port

Off (CPRI Auto configuration)

On (CPRI Manual configuration)

Enable rx_bitslip port

Off (CPRI Auto configuration)

On (CPRI Manual configuration)

All options under Bit Reversal and Polarity Inversion Off
All options under PCIe Ports Off
表 121.  动态重配置
Enable dynamic reconfiguration Off
Share reconfiguration interface Off
Enable Altera Debug Master Endpoint Off
Enable embedded debug Off
Enable capability registers Off
Set user-defined IP identifier 0
Enable control and status registers Off
Enable prbs soft accumulators Off
Configuration file prefix altera_xcvr_native_c10
Generate SystemVerilog package file Off
Generate C header file Off
Generate MIF (Memory Initialization File) Off
表 122.  生成选项
Generate parameter documentation file On
25 当收发器PHY处于CPRI模式时,这些值未被使用。