仅对英特尔可见 — GUID: tpj1486507263564
仅对英特尔可见 — GUID: tpj1486507263564
Ixiasoft Basic,速率匹配配置的Basic的Native PHY IP参数设置
本节包含此协议的建议参数值。请参考Using the Cyclone® 10 GX Transceiver Native PHY IP Core来了解参数值的完整范围。
参数 | 范围 |
Message level for rule violations | error warning |
Transceiver configuration rules | Basic/Custom (Standard PCS) Basic/Custom w/Rate Match (Standard PCS) |
PMA configuration rules | basic |
Transceiver mode | TX/RX Duplex TX Simplex RX Simplex |
Number of data channels | 1到12 |
Data rate | 611 Mbps到10.81344 Gbps |
Enable datapath and interface reconfiguration | On/Off |
Enable simplified data interface | On/Off |
参数 | 范围 |
TX channel bonding mode | Not bonded PMA-only bonding PMA and PCS bonding |
PCS TX channel bonding master | Auto, n-1 (其中,n = 数据通道的数量) |
Actual PCS TX channel bonding master | n-1 (其中n = 数据通道的数量) |
TX local clock division factor | 1, 2, 4, 8 |
Number of TX PLL clock inputs per channel | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Initial TX PLL clock input selection | 0 (取决于Number of TX PLL clock inputs per channel值) |
Enable tx_pma_clkout port | On/Off |
Enable tx_pma_div_clkout port | On/Off |
tx_pma_div_clkout division factor | Disabled, 1, 2, 33, 40, 66 |
Enable tx_pma_elecidle port | On/Off |
Enable rx_seriallpbken port | On/Off |
参数 | 范围 |
Number of CDR reference clocks | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Selected CDR reference clock | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Selected CDR reference clock frequency | Quartus Prime软件定义的合法范围 |
PPM detector threshold | 100, 300, 500, 1000 |
CTLE adaptation mode | manual |
Enable rx_pma_clkout port | On/Off |
Enable rx_pma_div_clkout port | On/Off |
rx_pma_div_clkout division factor | Disabled, 1, 2, 33, 40, 50, 66 |
Enable rx_pma_clkslip port | On/Off |
Enable rx_is_lockedtodata port | On/Off |
Enable rx_is_lockedtoref port | On/Off |
Enable rx_set_locktodata and rx_set_locktoref ports | On/Off |
Enable rx_seriallpbken port | On/Off |
Enable PRBS verifier control and status ports | On/Off |
参数 | 范围 |
Standard PCS / PMA interface width | 8, 10, 16, 20 |
FPGA fabric / Standard TX PCS interface width | 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40 |
FPGA fabric / Standard RX PCS interface width | 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40 |
Enable 'Standard PCS' low latency mode | On/Off Off (for Basic with Rate Match) |
TX FIFO mode | low_latency register_fifo fast_register |
RX FIFO Mode | low_latency register_fifo |
Enable tx_std_pcfifo_full port | On/Off |
Enable tx_std_pcfifo_empty port | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_pcfifo_full port | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_pcfifo_empty port | On/Off |
TX byte serializer mode | Disabled Serialize x2 Serialize x4 |
RX byte deserializer mode | Disabled Deserialize x2 Deserialize x4 |
Enable TX 8B/10B encoder | On/Off |
Enable TX 8B/10B disparity control | On/Off |
Enable RX 8B/10B decoder | On/Off |
RX rate match FIFO mode | Disabled Basic 10-bit PMA (for Basic with Rate Match) Basic 20-bit PMA (for Basic with Rate Match) |
RX rate match insert/delete -ve pattern (hex) | 用户定义的值 |
RX rate match insert/delete +ve pattern (hex) | 用户定义的值 |
Enable rx_std_rmfifo_full port | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_rmfifo_empty port | On/Off |
Enable TX bit slip | On/Off |
Enable tx_std_bitslipboundarysel port | On/Off |
RX word aligner mode | bitslip manual (PLD controlled) synchronous state machine |
RX word aligner pattern length | 7, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40 |
RX word aligner pattern (hex) | 用户定义的值 |
Number of word alignment patterns to achieve sync | 0-255 |
Number of invalid data words to lose sync | 0-63 |
Number of valid data words to decrement error count | 0-255 |
Enable fast sync status reporting for deterministic latency SM | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_wa_patternalign port | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_wa_a1a2size port | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_bitslipboundarysel port | On/Off |
Enable rx_bitslip port | On/Off |
Enable TX bit reversal | On/Off |
Enable TX byte reversal | On/Off |
Enable TX polarity inversion | On/Off |
Enable tx_polinv port | On/Off |
Enable RX bit reversal | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_bitrev_ena port | On/Off |
Enable RX byte reversal | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_byterev_ena port | On/Off |
Enable RX polarity inversion | On/Off |
Enable rx_polinv port | On/Off |
Enable rx_std_signaldetect port | On/Off |
Enable PCIe dynamic datarate switch ports | Off |
Enable PCIe pipe_hclk_in and pipe_hclk_out ports | Off |
Enable PCIe electrical idle control and status ports | Off |
Enable PCIe pipe_rx_polarity port | Off |
参数 | 范围 |
Enable dynamic reconfiguration | On/Off |
Share reconfiguration interface | On/Off |
Enable Altera Debug Master Endpoint | On/Off |
参数 | 范围 |
Generate parameter documentation file | On/Off |