Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition用户指南: 部分重配置

ID 683834
日期 5/11/2020

2.6. Avalon-MM Partial Reconfiguration Freeze Bridge Intel® FPGA IP

freeze输入信号为高电平时,Avalon-MM Partial Reconfiguration Freeze Bridge IP冻结一个PR区域Avalon-MM接口。建议连接到一个PR区域的每个Avalon-MM接口使用Freeze Bridge IP的一个实例。
图 62.  Avalon-MM Partial Reconfiguration Freeze Bridge
表 45.  对PR区域 Avalon® -MM从接口的读写请求对于以下每种可能的接口配置,Freeze Bridge以不同的方式处理读写传输。Freeze Bridge处于冻结状态,直到PR区域或PR区域控制器置位freeze信号为止。
接口连接 行为
Read request to Avalon® -MM slave interface in PR region
  1. freeze状态期间,任何读传输都以假数据<h'DEADBEEF>进行响应。对应的freeze_illegal_request寄存器比特设置。
  2. freeze状态期间,PR区域接口中的readrequestwriterequestwaitrequestbeginbursttransferlockdebugaccess信号置为低电平。
  3. Avalon® -MM从响应信号不断返回2’b10,表示从endpoint slave的不成功的传输。
  4. 如果禁用Enable Freeze port from PR region,那么IP不生成任何响应。
Write request to slave interface in PR region
  1. Freeze Bridge在freeze状态期间忽略任何写传输。Freeze Bridge拉低waitrequestbeginbursttransferlockdebugaccess信号。IP设置对应的freeze_illegal_request寄存器比特。
  2. Avalon® -MM从响应信号通过2’b10进行更新,表示从endpoint slave的不成功的传输。
  3. 如果禁用Enable Freeze port from PR region,那么IP不生成任何响应。
表 46.  从PR区域 Avalon® -MM主接口的读写请求
接口连接 行为
Read/Write request from Avalon® -MM master interface in PR region (old or new persona)
  1. freeze状态期间,IP忽略PR区域的读写信号。
  2. 到静态区域的读写信号置低。
表 47.   Avalon-MM Partial Reconfiguration Freeze Bridge信号行为下表汇总了Freeze Bridge处于冻结状态时的 Avalon® 接口输出信号行为。不处于冻结状态时,所有信号都是直通(pass-through)。
信号 Avalon® -MM Slave Bridge Avalon® -MM Master Bridge
write ‘b0 (tie low) ‘b0 (tie low)
read ‘b0 (tie low) ‘b0 (tie low)
address Pass through Pass through
writedata Pass through Pass through
readdata Return <h’DEADBEEF> always Pass through
byteenable Pass through Pass through
burstcount Pass through Pass through
beginbursttransfer ‘b0 (tie low) ‘b0 (tie low)
debugaccess ‘b0 (tie low) ‘b0 (tie low)
readdatavalid Return ‘b1 when there is a request, else ‘b0 Pass through
waitrequest Return ‘b1 when there is a request, else ‘b0 ‘b0 (tie low)
response Return ‘b10 always Pass through
lock ‘b0 (tie low) ‘b0 (tie low)
writeresponsevalid Return ‘b1 when there is a request, else ‘b0 Pass through