Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition用户指南: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
日期 10/02/2023

2.5.2. Cross-Probing with Design Assistant

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Assistant can automatically report any violations against a standard set of Intel FPGA-recommended design guidelines during stages of compilation. You can specify which rules you want the Design Assistant to check in your design, and customize the severity levels, thus eliminating or waiving rule checks that are not important for your design.

当您在编译期间运行Design Assistant时,Design Assistant会使用在编译期间生成的流入(瞬态)数据来检查是否存在违反规则的情况。

在Timing Analyzer中,当您在分析模式下运行 Design Assistant时,Design Assistant使用您加载的静态编译快照数据执行设计规则检查。

某些Design Assistant违规支持对相关的时序分析数据进行叉探测。交叉探测可以帮助您更快地识别根本原因并解决任何Design Assistant违规的问题。例如,对于存在设置分析违规的路径,您可以交叉探测Timing Analyzer,以识别为保持时间添加了延迟的边沿。

注: 在交叉探测Timing Analyzer之前,您必须至少通过Plan阶段运行Compiler。