Arria V器件数据表

ID 683022
日期 6/16/2015
文档目录 PLL规范

表 112.  Arria V GZ器件的PLL规范
符号 参数 Min Typ Max 单位
fIN 164 输入时钟频率(C3,I3L速度等级) 5 800 MHz
输入时钟频率(C4,I4速度等级) 5 650 MHz
fINPFD Input frequency to the PFD 5 325 MHz
fFINPFD Fractional Input clock frequency to the PFD 50 160 MHz
fVCO 165 PLL VCO operating range (C3, I3L speed grade) 600 1600 MHz
PLL VCO operating range (C4, I4 speed grade) 600 1300 MHz
tEINDUTY Input clock or external feedback clock input duty cycle 40 60 %
fOUT 166 Output frequency for an internal global or regional clock (C3, I3L speed grade) 650 MHz
Output frequency for an internal global or regional clock (C4, I4 speed grade) 580 MHz
fOUT_EXT 166 Output frequency for an external clock output (C3, I3L speed grade) 667 MHz
Output frequency for an external clock output (C4, I4 speed grade) 533 MHz
tOUTDUTY Duty cycle for a dedicated external clock output (when set to 50%) 45 50 55 %
tFCOMP External feedback clock compensation time 10 ns
fDYCONFIGCLK Dynamic configuration clock for mgmt_clk and scanclk 100 MHz
tLOCK Time required to lock from the end-of-device configuration or deassertion of areset 1 ms
tDLOCK Time required to lock dynamically (after switchover or reconfiguring any non-post-scale counters/delays) 1 ms
fCLBW PLL closed-loop low bandwidth 0.3 MHz
PLL closed-loop medium bandwidth 1.5 MHz
PLL closed-loop high bandwidth 167 4 MHz
tPLL_PSERR Accuracy of PLL phase shift ±50 ps
tARESET Minimum pulse width on the areset signal 10 ns
tINCCJ 168, 169 Input clock cycle-to-cycle jitter (fREF ≥ 100 MHz) 0.15 UI (p-p)
Input clock cycle-to-cycle jitter (fREF < 100 MHz) -750 +750 ps (p-p)
tOUTPJ_DC 170 Period Jitter for dedicated clock output in integer PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 175 ps (p-p)
Period Jitter for dedicated clock output in integer PLL (fOUT < 100 Mhz) 17.5 mUI (p-p)
tFOUTPJ_DC 170 Period Jitter for dedicated clock output in fractional PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 250173, 
175171 ps (p-p)
Period Jitter for dedicated clock output in fractional PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 25173,
17.5 171 mUI (p-p)
tOUTCCJ_DC 170 Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a dedicated clock output in integer PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 175 ps (p-p)
Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a dedicated clock output in integer PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 17.5 mUI (p-p)
tFOUTCCJ_DC 170 Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a dedicated clock output in fractional PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 250173,
175 171 ps (p-p)
Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a dedicated clock output in fractional PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 25173,
17.5 171 mUI (p-p)
tOUTPJ_IO , 170, 172 Period Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in integer PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 600 ps (p-p)
Period Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in integer PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 60 mUI (p-p)
tFOUTPJ_IO 170, 172, 173 Period Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in fractional PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 600 ps (p-p)
Period Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in fractional PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 60 mUI (p-p)
tOUTCCJ_IO 170, 172 Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in integer PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 600 ps (p-p)
Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in integer PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 60 mUI (p-p)
tFOUTCCJ_IO 170, 172, 173 Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in fractional PLL (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 600 ps (p-p)
Cycle-to-cycle Jitter for a clock output on a regular I/O in fractional PLL (fOUT < 100 MHz) 60 mUI (p-p)
tCASC_OUTPJ_DC 170, 174 Period Jitter for a dedicated clock output in cascaded PLLs (fOUT ≥ 100 MHz) 175 ps (p-p)
Period Jitter for a dedicated clock output in cascaded PLLS (fOUT < 100 MHz) 17.5 mUI (p-p)
dKBIT Bit number of Delta Sigma Modulator (DSM) 8 24 32 Bits
kVALUE Numerator of Fraction 128 8388608 2147483648
fRES Resolution of VCO frequency (fINPFD = 100 MHz) 390625 5.96 0.023 Hz
164 此规范在Quartus II中受I/O最大频率限制。I/O最大频率对于每种I/O标准是各不相同的。
165 Quartus II中编译报告的PLL汇总部分报告的VCO频率考虑到VCO后缩放计数器K值。因此,如果计数器K的值为2,那么报告的频率能够低于fVCO规范。
166 此规范受限于PLL的I/O fMAX和fOUT两者中较低的一个。
167 在外部反馈模式下不支持高带宽PLL设置。
168 高输入抖动直接影响PLL输出抖动。要达到低PLL输出时钟抖动,就必须提供一个低于120 ps的干净时钟源。
169 当N=1时,应用fREF is fIN/N规范。
170 10–12 (14 sigma, 99.99999999974404%置信水平)概率水平的峰峰抖动(peak-to-peak jitter)。当应用30 ps的输入抖动时,输出抖动规范适用于PLL的固有抖动。外部存储器接口时钟输出抖动规范使用一个不同的测量方法,请参考“Arria V GZ I/O管脚上的最坏情况DCD”表。
171 此规范仅涵盖用于低带宽的小数分频。对于小数分频值范围0.20–0.80,fVCO必须≥1200 MHz。
172 外部存储器接口时钟输出抖动规范使用一个不同的测量方法,请参考“Arria V GZ器件的存储器输出时钟抖动规范”表。
173 此规范仅涵盖用于低带宽的小数分频。对于小数分频值范围0.05–0.95,fVCO必须≥1000 MHz。
174 级联PLL规范仅应用在以下条件:
a. Upstream PLL: 0.59Mhz ≤ Upstream PLL BW < 1 MHz 
b. Downstream PLL: Downstream PLL BW > 2 MHz