Intel® Stratix® 10嵌入式存储器用户指南

ID 683423
日期 11/19/2019

4.1.3. RAM: 4-PORT Intel® FPGA IP参数

此表列出了RAM: 4-PORT Intel® FPGA IP core的参数。
表 22.  RAM: 4-PORT Intel® FPGA IP参数设置
参数 合法值 说明
Parameter Settings: Widths/ Blk Type
How many words of memory? 指定比特字的数量。
How wide should the ‘q_a’ and ‘q_b’ output bus be? 指定输入和输出端口的宽度。
RAM block type Auto, M20K 指定存储器模块类型。可选择的存储器模块类型取决于您的目标器件。
Set the maximum block depth to
  • Auto: Auto, 512, 1024, 2048
  • M20K: Auto, 512, 1024, 2048
Parameter Settings: Clks/Rd, Byte En
What clocking method would you like to use? Single clock 指定要使用的时钟方法。

Single clock—single clock和clock enable控制存储器模块的所有寄存器。

Create ‘rden_a’ and ‘rden_b’ read enable signals

What is the width of a byte for byte enables? M20K: 5, 8, 9, 10


Parameter Settings: Regs/Clkens/Aclrs
Which ports should be registered?
Input registers:
  • All write input ports
  • ‘raddress’ port
Output registers:
  • ‘q_a’ port
  • ‘q_b’ port
On/Off 指定是否寄存读或写输入和输出端口。
Use clock enable for input and output registers. On/Off 指定是否开启对输入和输出寄存器创建一个时钟使能信号的选项。
Create an ‘aclr’ asynchronous clear for the output ports.
Output Aclrs:
  • ‘q_a‘ port
  • ‘q_b‘ port
On/Off 指定是否对输出端口创建一个异步清零端口。
Output Aclrs:
  • q_a port—指定q_a端口是否被aclr端口清零。
  • q_b port—指定q_b端口是否被aclr端口清零。
Create an ‘sclr’ synchronous clear for the output ports.
Output Sclrs:
  • ‘q_a’ port
  • ‘q_b’ port
On/Off 指定是否对输出端口创建一个同步清零端口。
Output Sclrs:
  • q_a port—指定q_a端口是否被sclr端口清零。
  • q_b port—指定q_b端口是否被sclr端口清零。
Parameter Settings: Output 1
How should the ‘q_a’ and ‘q_b’ outputs behave when reading a memory location that is being written from the other port?

The output of port A will be ‘NEW’ while the output of port B will be ‘OLD’



Parameter Settings: Output 2
What should the ‘q_a’ output be when reading from a memory location being written to? Don't Care


What should the ‘q_b’ output be when reading from a memory location being written to?
Parameter Settings: Mem Init
Do you want to specify the initial content of the memory?
  • No, leave it blank
  • Yes, use this file for the memory content data


如要将存储器初始化为零,则选择No, leave it blank

如要使用存储器初始化文件(.mif)或者十六进制( Intel® -format)文件(.hex),则选择Yes, use this file for the memory content data

Initialize memory content data to XX..X on power-up simulation On/Off
The initial content file should conform to which port's dimensions? PORT_A, PORT_B 如果您选择对存储器内容数据使用初始化内容文件,那么选择此文件应该符合的端口。
Implement clock-enable circuitry for use in a partial reconfiguration region On/Off


Parameter Settings: Performance Optimization
Enable Force-to-Zero On/Off 指定在置低读使能信号时是否将输出设成零。
