Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: 最佳实践实践指南

ID 683521
日期 9/26/2022

2.7. 基于HTML Report中的信息优化OpenCL设计实例


执行matrix square(矩阵平方)AxA的OpenCL设计实例:

// performs matrix square A*A
 // A is a square LEN*LEN matrix
 // A = [ r0       : [ c[0], c[1], ... c[LEN-1] ],
 //       r1       : [ c[0], ...                ],
 //       ...                                   ],
 //       r[LEN-1] : [                          ] ]
 // LEN = 100
 kernel void matrix_square (global float* restrict A, global float* restrict out)
 	for( unsigned oi = 0 ; oi < LEN*LEN ; oi++ ) 
 		float sum = 0.f;
 		int row = oi / LEN;
 		int col = oi % LEN;
 		#pragma unroll
 		for ( int stride = 0 ; stride < LEN ; stride++ )
 			unsigned i = (row * LEN) + stride;
 			unsigned j = (stride * LEN) + col;
 			sum += A[i] * A[j];
 		out[oi] = sum;


图 25. 未优化的内核matrix_square的面积报告

在System查看器中对block 2的进一步检查,表明Block2也具有高的延迟值。

图 26. 未优化的内核matrix_square的System Viewer结果


// 1. preload the data into local memory
 kernel void matrix_square_v1 (global float* restrict A, global float* restrict out)
 	local float cache_a[LEN*LEN];
 	for( unsigned k = 0 ; k < LEN*LEN ; k++ )
 		cache_a[k] = A[k];
 	for( unsigned oi = 0 ; oi < LEN*LEN ; oi++ ) 
 		float sum = 0.f;
 		int row = oi / LEN;
 		int col = oi % LEN;
     #pragma unroll
     for( unsigned stride = 0 ; stride < LEN ; stride++ )
 			unsigned i = (row * LEN) + stride;
 			unsigned j = (stride * LEN) + col;
 			sum += cache_a[i] * cache_a[j];
 		out[oi] = sum;
图 27. 修改后的内核matrix_square_v1的面积报告结果
图 28. 修改后的内核matrix_square_v1的集群视图


// 1. preload the data into local memory
 // 2. remove the modulus computation
 kernel void matrix_square_v2 (global float* restrict A, global float* restrict out)
 	local float cache_a[LEN*LEN];
 	for( unsigned k = 0 ; k < LEN*LEN ; k++ )
 		cache_a[k] = A[k];
 	unsigned row = 0;
 	unsigned col = 0;
 	for( unsigned oi = 0 ; oi < LEN*LEN ; oi++ )
 		float sum = 0.f;
 		// keep a column counter to know when to increment row
 		if( col == LEN - 1 )
 			col = 0;
 			row += 1;
 			col += 1;
 		#pragma unroll
 		for( unsigned stride = 0 ; stride < LEN ; stride++ )
 			unsigned i = (row * LEN) + stride;
 			unsigned j = (stride * LEN) + col;
 			sum += cache_a[i] * cache_a[j];
 		out[oi] = sum;
图 29. 内核matrix_square_v2的面积报告
图 30. 内核matrix_square_v2的集群视图

进一步检查matrix_square_v2的面积报告,可发现索引ij(即,分别是unsigned i = (row * LEN) + strideunsigned j = (stride * LEN) + col)的计算具有非常不同的ALUT用法估算。


// 1. preload the data into local memory
 // 2. remove the modulus computation
 // 3. remove DSP and RAM blocks for index calculation helps reduce the latency
 kernel void matrix_square_v3 (global float* restrict A, global float* restrict out)
   local float cache_a[LEN*LEN];
 	for( unsigned k = 0 ; k < LEN*LEN ; k++ )
 		cache_a[k] = A[k];
 	unsigned row_i = 0;
 	unsigned row_j = 0;
 	for( unsigned oi = 0 ; oi < LEN*LEN ; oi++ )
 		unsigned i, j;
 		// keep a column base counter to know when to increment the row base
 		if( row_j == LEN - 1 )
 			row_i += LEN;
 			row_j = 0;
 			row_j += 1;
 		// initialize i and j
 		i = row_i;
 		j = row_j;
 		float sum = 0.f;
 		#pragma unroll
 		for( unsigned stride = 0 ; stride < LEN ; stride++ )
 			i += 1;       // 0, 1, 2, 3, 0,...
 			j += LEN;     // 0, 3, 6, 9, 1,...
 			sum += cache_a[i] * cache_a[j];
 		out[oi] = sum;


图 31. 内核matrix_square_v3的面积报告
图 32. 内核matrix_square_v3的系统视图


// 1. preload the data into local memory
 // 2. remove the modulus computation
 // 3. remove DSP and RAM blocks for index calculation helps reduce the latency
 // 4. unroll the sum-product for full parallelism, create registers to avoid many copies of cache_a
 kernel void matrix_square_v4 (global float* restrict A, global float* restrict out)
   local float cache_a[LEN*LEN];
 	for( unsigned k = 0 ; k < LEN*LEN ; k++ )
 		cache_a[k] = A[k];
 	unsigned row_i = 0;
 	unsigned row_j = 0;
 	for( unsigned oi = 0 ; oi < LEN*LEN ; oi++ )
 		unsigned i, j;
 		// keep a column base counter to know when to increment the row base
 		if( row_j == LEN - 1 )
 			row_i += LEN;
 			row_j = 0;
 			row_j += 1;
 		// initialize i and j
 		i = row_i;
 		j = row_j;
 		float r_buf[LEN];
 		float c_buf[LEN];
 		for( int stride = 0 ; stride < LEN ; stride++ )
 			i += 1;       // 0, 1, 2, 3, 0,...
 			j += LEN;     // 0, 3, 6, 9, 1,...
 			r_buf[stride] = cache_a[i];
 			c_buf[stride] = cache_a[j];
 		// uses harder floating point when -fp-relaxed is used
 		float sum = 0.f;
 		#pragma unroll
 		for(unsigned idx = 0; idx &lt; LEN; idx++)
 			sum += r_buf[idx] * c_buf[idx];
 		out[oi] = sum;


图 33. 修改后的内核matrix_square_v4的集群视图

以下集群视图提供一种替代方法,通过使用-fp-relaxed来显示点积(dot product)而非链式。

图 34. 修改后的内核matrix_square_v4的集群视图


表 8.  吞吐量比较
内核 ALUTs FFs RAM MLAB DSPs Dot Product Loop Latency
matrix_square 81806 (10%) 302792 (18%) 1989 (73%) 408 (1%) 100 (7%) 637
matrix_square_v1 20094 (2%) 38814 (2%) 1619 (60%) 248 (1%) 100 (7%) 380
matrix_square_v2 15487 (2%) 51813 (3%) 1110 (41%) 298 (1%) 100 (7%) 364
matrix_square_v3 18279 (2%) 37554 (2%) 1618 (60%) 244 (1%) 100 (7%) 362


9681 (1%) 22409 (1%) 257 (9%) 67 (0%) 103 (7%) 37