Intel® Acceleration Stack用户指南: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000

ID 683040
日期 8/17/2020

8.2. 设置前向纠错(FEC)模式

Intel® FPGA PAC N3000支持不同的向前纠错(FEC)模式以增强25GbE网络配置的数据可靠性。默认的FEC模式为Reed Solomon FEC。可以使用以下FEC模式:
表 9.  FEC模式
fec_mode 模式
no No FEC
kr Fire Code Forward Error Correction (IEEE 802.3 Clause 74)
rs Reed Solomon Forward Error Correction (IEEE 802.3 Clause 108)
注: 可配置的FEC仅用于2x2x25G和4x25G网络配置。对于8x10G,FEC设置不起作用,此操作无效。
$ sudo fecmode -B <bus> <mode>

<mode> = ‘no’, ‘kr’, ‘rs’
<bus> = PCIe bus of FPGA in the format “0xYZ”
注: fecmode命令在更改FEC模式时会导致板级rsu事件。rsu事件导致板级复位,使之前配置的Ethernet设置恢复为默认设置。Intel建议您首先设置FEC模式,然后配置Ethernet和其他板级设置。rsu事件也可能导致PCIe总线号更改。
$ fecmode -B <bus>

<bus> = PCIe bus of FPGA in the format “0xYZ”
$ fecmode -B 0xb3
FEC mode in current driver: rs
FEC mode in current hardware: rs
$ sudo fecmode -B 0xb3 kr
reloading driver with new parameter 'kr'
performing remote system update
2019-11-14 10:00:34,121 - [[pci_address(0000:b3:00.0), pci_id(0x8086, 0x0b30)]] performing RSU operation
2019-11-14 10:00:34,123 - [[pci_address(0000:ae:00.0), pci_id(0x8086, 0x2030)]] removing device from PCIe bus
2019-11-14 10:00:34,124 - waiting 10 seconds for boot
2019-11-14 10:00:44,135 - rescanning PCIe bus: /sys/devices/pci0000:ae/pci_bus/0000:ae
2019-11-14 10:00:49,119 - RSU operation complete
$ fecmode -B 0xb3
FEC mode in configuration: kr
FEC mode in current driver: kr
FEC mode in current hardware: kr