HPC Visual Computing and Analysis Software Development at Exascale
Speaker: Paul Navrátil, PhD, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), University of Texas
Dr. Navrátil discusses the state-of-the-art and near-term trends driving HPC application development efforts in preparation for the massive scale of data and computation in the exascale era. He reviews the ongoing efforts of the SOLAR Ray Tracing Consortium to use ray tracing for compute and the role of the emerging Khronos* ANARI* API, the necessary merging of compute and visualization workflows (also known as In-situ), plus advances in color theory enabling scientists to extract more detail during visual analysis.
Additional Resources
Great Cross-Architecture Challenge—A Coding Challenge
Calling all C++, DPC++, and CUDA developers. We’re searching for the next oneAPI hero—someone who can write code that will run on the latest CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. Submit your best projects to win some amazing prizes.
Supercomputing 2020 (SC20) Recorded Sessions on oneAPI
- C++ for Heterogeneous Programming: oneAPI
- Performance Tuning with the Roofline Model on GPUs and CPUs
- Panel: The oneAPI Software Abstraction for Heterogeneous Computing
Self-paced Trainings Using Jupyter* Notebooks
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