Intel® FPGA软件安装和许可

ID 683472
日期 6/22/2020

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5.2.1. 许可文件头(header)

Intel® FPGA许可文件的header包含特定于许可的识别信息,例如许可类型,主计算机和companion ID,发布和失效日期,以及产品许可摘要。

如下实例显示了浮动服务器许可文件(包含 Intel® Quartus® Prime软件和 ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition软件许可)的header。该许可文件发布于2019年5月8日,是未定义companion ID的永久许可,其维护有效期至2019年4月。

# Intel Corporation Software and/or Intellectual Property License File
# Issued 08 May 2019
# Upgrade to these products will no longer be available after the Maintenance Expiration  
# date unless licenses are renewed.  
# Floating Server License
# Primary Machine Name-xxxxxxxx
# Primary Machine ID-Host ID XXXXXXXXXXXX
# Redundant Server 2-N/A
# Redundant Server 3-N/A
# Product License Summary:
# Quartus PRO Edition Float for Partners, 1 Seat(s)
# - Maintenance Expiration of 2019.04
# ModelSim Intel FPGA Edition Software, 1 Seat(s)
# - Maintenance Expiration of 2019.04
# - License Expires 08-May-2020