This Is 5G Bringing Media to Life On Intel
Intel-powered 5G networks will unleash new media experiences, changing the way we create, consume, and share content.
5G Media Starts and Ends with Intel
From the device to the data center, Intel is at the heart of immersive media experiences over 5G, delivering ultra-high resolution 4K 360° video, immersive VR, and gaming.
Explore Smart Media Use Cases
从任意位置直播视频 - 5G 将以类似电缆的速度提供一致的覆盖范围和可用性,从家里到办公室以及两者之间的任何位置都具有高可靠性。用户将可从云端直播高带宽和高质量的媒体,例如 8K 视频,而且图形完美、零延迟。
创建沉浸式体验 — 5G 网络将促进无缝、不受限制的虚拟现实 (VR) 体验,在边缘处理和存储大量内容。用户不仅可以在家,还可以在公园、火车上或任何地方直播沉浸式媒体。VR 耳机将变得更小、更轻、更方便使用,在商业垂直市场中不断涌现出新的使用案例。
交互式 3D 视频
从任何地方体验赛事直播 - 5G 让世界各地的粉丝可利用 3D 交互式视频,在任何地方欣赏精彩细节,体验逼真的音乐会、体育比赛等。支持人工智能的强大服务器将现场的粉丝视频拼接在一起,这样观众就可以从前排、漂浮在赛场上方或者他们喜欢的任何有利位置体验比赛。
即时访问在线游戏 - 5G 让游戏玩家可在任何设备连接和玩游戏,同时以类似光纤的速度享受超低延迟和极致灵敏的反应性。移动实时直播的便利性以及极高质量的媒体将推动游戏的发展,创造出难以想象、引人入胜、错综复杂的体验,可从家里无缝切换到路上再切换回家。
Capture 5G Smart Media Business Opportunities
How 5G Will Transform the Business of Media and Entertainment
The transformative impact of 5G will go well beyond the expansion of enhanced mobile media. Annual mobile media revenues will double in the next 10 years, unlocking incredible business opportunities for those who take advantage of 5G-powered networks and services. Learn how 5G will disrupt the industry with the launch of innovative business models and new immersive, interactive experiences that add a tactile dimension to entertainment.
Virtually Limitless Opportunities for Media Companies
5G will unlock new pathways for creating, distributing, and consuming media content—bringing tremendous growth to the industry. Learn about the revolutionary media formats and platforms of the 5G future and the milestones the industry will reach along the way.
Inside the Smart Media Consumer Mind
5G will unleash the potential for mindblowing media experiences and empower companies to monetize new services and attract and retain customers. Find out which smart media applications appeal most to a growing generation of consumers aged 25 to 34.
The Gold Lining of the Visual Cloud
5G will infuse the media industry with massive visual computing power. Discover how the visual cloud will enable media and entertainment companies to deliver new services and applications that “wow” customers and propel business.
Discover 5G Media in the Real World
5G and eSports Team Up for a Win
Intel, Telstra, and Ericsson conducted one of the world’s first eSports professional gaming experiences over a live, ultra-low latency 5G connection on Australia’s Gold Coast. The trial was conducted at the 2018 Intel® Extreme Masters event in Sydney, where professional gamers experienced a wire-like experience over wireless.
Cutting Cords at the US Open with 5G
Intel worked with AT&T, Ericsson, and Fox Sports to stream portions of the 2018 US Open using 4K HDR cameras positioned at the 7th hole, the trickiest on the course. Intel’s 5G MTP provided 5G network connectivity allowing event organizers to capture incredible content while cutting cumbersome cords.