How to Install Intel® Software Development Products when Not Connected to the Internet

ID 标签 689789
已更新 3/16/2018
版本 Latest



Problem : 

Installing Intel® Software Development Products on computers without an internet connection.


Install using a License File

Note: See instructions below if you need to get your license file.

  1. Copy the license file onto your machine. The default license file directories are:
    •  Windows*: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
    •  Linux*: /opt/intel/licenses
    •  Mac OS*: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses
  2. Start the installation program
  3. On the Activation screen, select Choose alternative activation and click Next.
  4. Select Use a license file and click Next.
  5. Enter the path to your license file into the box or click Browse to browse to the license file using Windows Explorer.
  6. Click Next and proceed with the installation.

Instructions if you need to get your license file:

How Do I Get My License File for Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 or Intel® System Studio 2016? 

For pre-2016 product see /content/www/cn/zh/develop/articles/resend-license-file.html
