How to Get Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL), Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives, or Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library

ID 标签 673072
已更新 7/3/2019
版本 Latest



This page provides links to the current ways to get the Intel® Performance Libraries: Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL), Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP), or Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL).

• Sub-component of Intel® oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit or Intel® System Studio

After installing the suite package, the Intel Performance Libraries will be installed by default. The article Which version of the Intel IPP, oneMKL and Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) Libraries are Included in the Intel® Composer Bundles? provides version information for the Intel Performance Libraries included in the bundled products:

• Free standalone access through separate product main pages:

• Free access through Intel Performance Libraries page (oneMKL, Intel IPP, Intel DAAL)

• YUM/APT repository for oneMKL, Intel IPP, Intel DAAL, and Intel® Distribution for Python* (for Linux*):

• Conda* package/ Anaconda Cloud* support (oneMKL, Intel IPP, Intel DAAL, Intel Distribution for Python):

• NuGet distribution channel (oneMKL, Intel IPP, Intel DAAL, Intel TBB, oneMPI Library, Intel OpenMP):

• PIP Install from the Python Package Index (PyPI) using pip (oneMKL, Intel IPP, Intel DAAL)

Only for oneMKL:

Cloudera* Parcels support since oneMKL 2017 update 2

Only for Intel IPP cryptography package:

Only for Intel DAAL Java* package:

Only for pyDAAL module:

The libraries obtained through any of the above means are exactly the same in functionality and performance. The main differences are in license agreement and support priority. Please refer to the License FAQ.