Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives - Licensing FAQ

ID 标签 747318
已更新 12/5/2022
版本 Latest



Frequently Asked Licensing Questions

Intel® IPP Cryptography is part of the main Intel® IPP product and is available to download as part of the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit and is also available on GitHub.

Intel® IPP is currently provided under the Intel Simplified Software License, available here. Intel® IPP is redistributable under the terms of that license. Please note the license is subject to change at any time and the license that is bundled with your download of Intel® IPP will be controlling.

Yes, you need a separate license for each installation of Intel® IPP.

IPP-ICV is a subset of the Intel® IPP product. It is included by default for OpenCV* builds on Intel platforms. Please review all the licensing agreements for Intel and OpenCV*.  The licenses that Intel most commonly uses can be found here: End User License Agreements (“EULA”). Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives is licensed under the Intel Simplified Software License.

Additional Resources

Intel® IPP Product/Release

Intel® IPP User Forum