SYCL* 2020 Specification Features and DPC++ Language Extensions Supported in Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler

ID 标签 660322
已更新 3/15/2024
版本 Latest



The DPC++ Compiler compiles C++ and SYCL source files with code for both CPU and a wide range of compute accelerators such as GPU and FPGA. This article describes the availability and version of DPC++ Compiler where support for the SYCL 2020 specification features or DPC++ language extensions was added. 

SYCL 2020 Support

Starting from 2024.1, we are officially conformant with SYCL 2020 and supporting all SYCL 2020 APIs. Please refer to for detailed extension enabling status. 

DPC++ Extensions

Please refer for detailed extension enabling status.

SYCL 1.2.1 Features Deprecation

Following is the status of deprecation and removal of SYCL 1.2.1 features in dpcpp Compiler:

Feature Deprecated? Removed?
OpenCL interoperability APIs 2021.3  2022.0 
SYCL 1.2.1 image (incl sampler) No No
C++14 support 2022.0 Yes
Attribute propagation 2021.4 2022.0
vector_class, string_class, function_class, mutex_class, shared_ptr_class, weak_ptr_class, hash_class and exception_ptr_class aliases 2021.4 2022.0
program class, some APIs of kernel class 2021,3 2022.0
mem_fence 2022.0 Yes
nd_item::barrier No No
sycl::exception 2021.4 Yes
parallel_for taking non-const lambdas 2021.1 2021.1
kernel::get_work_group_info 2022.0 Yes
non-template buffer_allocator 2023.0 Yes
get_native 2022.0 Yes