Reference Architecture for Edge Connectivity Reference Implementation

ID 标签 736732
已更新 6/29/2022
版本 Latest




Create an edge solution for retail use cases with EdgeX*, Portainer*, the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, Celadon in Virtual Machine (CIV) and Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK*). 

Port and optimize application software based on Intel® platforms, then deploy to offline stores. 

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and the software listed below.

Configure & Download

Screenshot of Human Pose Estimation Results. A screen has multiple windows open, one being a person's chest with a bounding box


  • Time to Complete: 1.5 hours
  • Programming Language: Python*
  • Available Software:
    • Celadon in Virtual Machine
    • DPDK
    • SD-WAN
    • Docker*
    • Portainer
    • Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit


Target System Requirements

  • 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor (with fan).
  • At least 110 GB hard drive.
  • An Internet connection.
  • Ubuntu* 20.04.3 LTS.


How It Works 

The process for Reference Architecture for Edge Connectivity is as follows:

  • Locate the Reference Architecture for Edge Connectivity in Intel® Developer Catalog by selecting Configure & Download.
  • Upload your own application software as a Docker image to Docker Hub, then register it as a module in the Intel® Developer Catalog system.
  • The package will be integrated application software and platform software, which will include the 3rd party Docker image (application software).
  • Intel® Developer Catalog provides the Python download and installation script for the package. 


The architecture is represented by a complex block diagram. The upper half of the diagram shows the application software. The center box, starting on the left, lists orchestrated service, platform sw, and network. The middle box lists Celadon in virtual machine, Portainer*, DPDK*, and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit. An arrow points to the right-side box that contains Edge-Conductor, Intel® Smart Edge Open and Intel® Smart Edge. The bottom box lists Intel® processors.
Figure 1: Architecture Diagram


Get Started

Step 1: Install

  1. Open a new terminal, go to the download folder and unzip the downloaded reference implementation package:  


  2.  Go to the reference_architecture_for_edge_connectivity directory:
    cd reference_architecture_for_edge_connectivity
  3. Change permission of the executable edgesoftware file: 
    chmod 755 edgesoftware
  4. Run the command below to install the Reference Implementation: 
    ./edgesoftware install


  5. During the installation, you will be prompted for the Product Key. The Product Key is contained in the email you received from Intel confirming your download. 
    A console window showing a system prompt to enter the Product Key.
    Figure 2: Product Key


  6. When the installation is complete, you see the message “Installation of package complete” and the installation status for each module. 
    A console window showing system output during the install process. At the end of the process, the system displays the message “Installation of package complete” and the installation status for each module.
    Figure 3: Install Success


Step 2: Reboot 

Reboot is required for modules installed to take effect. Reboot the system to finish all the installation steps. 

sudo reboot



  1. Use the following command to remove all the installed modules: 
    ./edgesoftware uninstall -a


  2. Run command with --help option to check uninstallation: 
    ./edgesoftware uninstall --help


Run the Application 

  1. Test DPDK with the following command: 
    cd ~/edge/dpdk/builddir/ 
    sudo examples/dpdk-helloworld
    Screenshot of terminal when using the command with results of the test
    Figure 4: Results of Test


  2.  Test CIV with the following command: 
    cd ~/edge/civ/ 
    sudo -E ./scripts/
    Screenshot of terminal when using the command with results of test.
    Figure 5: Results of Test


  3. Test SD-WAN with the following steps: 
    1. Check the neccessary information about the SD-WAN VM. Confirm it is running with the command: 
      sudo virsh list


    2. Create the SD-WAN VM if it does not exist with the commands: 
      cd ~/edge/sdwan/ 
      sudo virsh create 128TSSR.xml 


    3. Enter the VM using the virsh CLI: 
      sudo virsh console 128TSSR


    4.  Login with Username and Password: 
      1. Press Enter to go to the VM login stage.
      2. Use root and 128tRoutes to login.
      3. After successful login, a welcome message is displayed as shown below. 
        Screenshot of terminal of with "Welcome to Juniper Networks" message.
        Figure 6: Welcome Screen


  4. Test Portainer with the following steps: 
    1. Run the following command to start Portainer: 
      sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart=always --name portainer -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer:1.24.2-alpine 


    2. Use browser to login to Portainer or <Portainer-server-IP>:9000 to login if not in local host. You will see initial admin user / password set up.
    3. Set up the user / password and click Create user button to log in. 
      Screenshot of the Portainer login screen.
      Figure 7: Portainer Login 


    4. Set Portainer mode as Local mode and click Connect to see the management page.  
      Screenshot of Selecting Local Docker Environment button out of the 4 choices on the screen: remote, agent, and Azure
      Figure 8: Select Local to Connect


Build Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit Demo 

  1. Start Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit container with -u root with the following command: 
    docker run --rm --name openvino_demo -dit -u root openvino/ubuntu20_dev:2021.4.2


  2.  Enter the Docker container: 
    docker exec -ti openvino_demo /bin/bash


  3. In the Docker container, install building prerequisites: 
    apt update && apt install -y make


  4. In the Docker container, build Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit demos: 
    cd /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/demos/ && ./
    Screenshot of terminal of demos building from 92% to 100%
    Figure 9: Building Demos


  5.  Download models via model downloader (configure the proxy if you are behind a proxy): 
    cd ~/ && mkdir -p models && cd models 
    cat /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/demos/human_pose_estimation_demo/python/models.lst > model.lst 
  6. Download models listed in the model list file: 

    python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/ --list ./model.lst
    Screenshot of human-pose-estimation models downloading
    Figure 10: Downloading Models 



  1. Zip the intel model folder. 
    tar -cvzf intel.tar.gz intel/
  2. Open another terminal from Host machine and create a folder for use later. 

    mkdir -p ~/demo-openvino 
    cd ~/demo-openvino
  3. Copy everything from dev images to Host and unzip the tar files. 

    sudo docker cp openvino_demo:/root/models/intel.tar.gz ./ 
    sudo docker cp openvino_demo:/root/omz_demos_build/intel64/Release/human_pose_estimation_demo ./ 
    tar zxvf intel.tar.gz
  4. Insert a USB Camera to machine before running the demo. 

  5. Enable xhost to display the output preview in this demo: 
    xhost +


  6. Use the following command to fire up Docker container with mounting local models and apps on the container and run the demo on CPU. 

Note: Replace <USER> with your username. 

sudo docker rm openvino_demo 
sudo docker run \ 
--device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri \  
--device=/dev/video0 \ 
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ 
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ 
-v /home/<USER>/demo-openvino:/root/demo-openvino \ 
-u root \ 
--name openvino_demo openvino/ubuntu20_dev:2021.4.2 \ 
/bin/bash -c \ 
"source ./bin/ && /root/demo-openvino/human_pose_estimation_demo -i 0 -m /root/demo-openvino/intel/human-pose-estimation-0001/FP16/human-pose-estimation-0001.xml -d GPU -at openpose"
Screenshot of Human Pose Estimation Results. A screen has multiple windows open, one being a person's chest with a bounding box
Figure 11: Human Pose Estimation Results

Summary and Next Steps 

You have checked all the installed components and tested that they run with the steps above.  

As a next step, run your own workloads based on these components, for example, install and run Android APP in Celadon, run an application that uses DPDK, using Portainer to manage the containers, or run SD-WAN in a virtual machine.

Learn More 

To continue learning, see the following guides and software resources: 

Known Issues 

  • Docker will not be removed automatically during uninstallation, which is how it is designed. You can removed Docker manually instead. 
  • The Android* launcher background changes from color to black at the second CIV boot.

Support Forum 

If you're unable to resolve your issues, contact the Support Forum.  
