Build, Deploy, and Manage your FPGA-Based IoT Edge Applications using Microsoft* Azure

ID 标签 688188
已更新 4/20/2021
版本 Latest



These tutorials are meant for engineers who need a starting point to connect Intel® Cyclone® V SoC V SoC to Microsoft Azure IoT as an IoT gateway function. These tutorials are meant to be taken sequentially in order starting with Module 1 and ending with Module 4.

Module 1 of 4: Install the Azure IoT Edge Runtime

This tutorial covers the basic hardware and software set up for connecting the Intel® Cyclone® V SoC on the DE10-Nano to Microsoft* Azure IoT edge. After completing this tutorial, you can use Azure IoT Edge to manage the DE10-Nano along with other IoT devices in the cloud.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Prepare the DE10-Nano for use in Azure IoT Edge
  • Install Azure IoT Edge runtime on the DE10-Nano
  • Deploy a simulated temperature sensor to test Azure IoT Edge
  • Verify that the container works from the DE10-Nano and the cloud

Module 2 of 4: Build an Azure Container-based Application using Microsoft Visual Studio

This tutorial provides instructions for how to create a container application using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and deploy it to the DE10-Nano.

In this tutorial, you will learn you learn how to:

  • Set up Visual Studio Code for developing an IoT Edge container application
  • Set up a cross-compiling environment with buildx
  • Build an IoT Edge container application with a sample SDK
  • Store your container application in an Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Deploy your container application from VS Code

Module 3 of 4: Build an IoT Edge Module that Gathers Sensor Data and Store it in the Azure Container Registry (ACR)

This tutorial provides instructions for creating an Azure IoT Edge container application that sends accelerometer data from the DE10-Nano G-Sensor to the Azure Cloud.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Gather and patch G-Sensor and IoT Edge sample source code
  • Build and push your IoT Edge Module to ACR
  • Deploy your IoT Edge Module to the DE10-Nano

Module 4 of 4: Reconfigure an FPGA from the Azure Cloud using a Container Application

This tutorial provides instructions on how to reconfigure the FPGA on the DE10-Nano and then deploy it as a container application to DE10-Nano from the Azure Cloud.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  • How to re-configure FPGA using Device Tree Overlay
  • Create a Device Tree Overlay file
  • Create a Device Tree Overlay to re-configure FPGA from Container