Social Distancing Detection for Retail Settings Reference Implementation

ID 标签 684096
已更新 4/7/2021
版本 Latest




Social distancing and face masks are one of the most effective nonpharmaceutical way to prevent the spread of disease. This reference implementation gives a solution to prevent the spread of disease by using computer vision inference in the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit to measure distance between people and store data to InfluxDB. This data can be visualized on a Grafana* dashboard.

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and the software listed below.  

Configure & Download

Screenshot of running Social Distancing Detection for Retail Settings

  • Time to Complete: Approximately 20-30 minutes
  • Programming Language: Python* 3.6
  • Available Software: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit 2021 Release

Recommended Hardware

The hardware below is recommended for use with this reference implementation. See the Recommended Hardware page for other suggestions. 

Target System Requirements

  • Ubuntu* 18.04.3 LTS/CentOS 7.x
  • 6th to 11th Generation Intel® Core™ processors with Intel® Iris® Plus Graphics or Intel® HD Graphics
  • USB webcam

How It Works

A social distancing detection solution demonstrates an end-to-end analytics pipeline to detect people and calculates social distance between people from multiple input feeds. Frames are transformed, scaled and normalized into BGR images which can be fed to the inference engine in the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit. The steps below are performed for the inference.

  • Apply Intel's person detection model, i.e., person-detection-retail-0013 to detect people from all the video streams.

  • Compute Euclidean distance between all the people from the above step.

  • Based on above measurements, check whether any people are violating N pixels apart.

  • Store total violations count of social distancing data in InfluxDB.

  • Visualize the stored data of InfluxDB on Grafana dashboard.

architecture diagram
Figure 1: Architecture Diagram


Get Started

Step 1: Install the Reference Implementation 

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and then follow the steps below to install it.  

Configure & Download

  1. Open a new terminal, go to the downloaded folder and unzip the downloaded RI package:  


  2.  Go to social_distancing_detection_for_retail_settings/ directory:
    cd social_distancing_detection_for_retail_settings
  3. Change permission of the executable edgesoftware file: 
    chmod 755 edgesoftware
  4. Run the command below to install the Reference Implementation: 
    ./edgesoftware install


  5. During the installation, you will be prompted for the Product Key. The Product Key is contained in the email you received from Intel confirming your download. 
    Screenshot of product key
    Figure 2: Product Key
  6. When the installation is complete, you see the message “Installation of package complete” and the installation status for each module. 
    Screenshot of install success
    Figure 3: Install Success
  7. Go to the working directory: 
    cd  MultiCamera_Detection_of_Social_Distancing_<version>/Social_Distancing_Detection_for_Retail_Settings/mcss-covid19


    NOTE: In the command above, is the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit version. 


Step 2: Download the Input Video

The application works better with input feed in which cameras are placed at eye level angle.

Please download sample video at 1280x720 resolution and place it in the “resources” directory. (Data set subject to this license. The terms and conditions of the dataset license apply. Intel® does not grant any rights to the data files.)

Step 3: Run the Application

NOTE: For instructions on how to run the application with feed from a camera or how to configure other inputs, see the Optional Steps section.  

To start the application, run the command below: 

sudo docker-compose up -d
Screenshot of Docker containers
Figure 4: Docker Containers

To check the logs of the application:

sudo docker logs -f mcss-application
Screenshot of application logs
Figure 5: Application Logs


Screenshot of Application Running on Four Channels
Figure 6: Application Running on Four Channels

Optional Steps 

Configure the input  

The configuration.env file on the mcss-covid19/app/ directory contains all the necessary default configurations. If you wish to change the input, edit configuration.env file and add the required information. The role of main elements in the configuration.env file are:  

  • NUM_CHANNELS: Number of channels 
  • INPUT_SOURCE1: Path to the input video 
    • NOTE: Input videos should always be placed in /app/resources folder.  
    • To use camera stream instead of video, replace the video file name with /dev/video0 
    • To use RTSP stream instead of video, replace the video file name with the RTSP link. 
    • NOTE: To add more input sources, add a new line with INPUT_SOURCE2=, INPUT_SOURCE3= and so on. 
  • MIN_SOCIAL_DIST1: Social Distance value 
    • NOTE: For different video, you may need to calibrate value of this variable to get accurate social distance violation results. 
    • NOTE: If more input sources are added, add a new line with MIN_SOCIAL_DIST2=, MIN_SOCIAL_DIST3= and so on. 
  • PERSON_DETECTOR: Model path for person detection 
  • DEVICE1: Hardware Device to be used for person detection 
    • NOTE: Supported hardware devices are CPU, GPU, HDDL and MYRIAD. Also combination of these using MULTI, e.g., MULTI:CPU,HDDL.
  • DECODE_DEVICE: Hardware Device to be used for decoding the video 
    • NOTE: Supported hardware devices are CPU, GPU, HDDL and MYRIAD. Also combination of these using MULTI, e.g., MULTI:CPU,HDDL.

Restart the mcss-application container:

sudo docker restart mcss-application

NOTE: If any of the device value in configuration.env has MYRIAD, add the following line to mcss-covid19 service in docker-compose.yml file: 

privileged: true


Stop the application 

To stop all the containers: 

sudo docker-compose down

Visualize the MapUI on Grafana

1. Navigate to localhost:3000 on your browser.

NOTE: If accessing remotely, go to http://:3000. Get host system ip using:

hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1

2. Login with user as admin and password as admin.

3. Click Home and Select the Multi Camera Covid-19 Solution to open the main dashboard. 

Screenshot of Grafana Dashboard
FIgure 7: Grafana Dashboard


Summary and Next Steps

This application successfully leverages Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit plugins for detecting and measuring distance between the people and storing data to InfluxDB.

Create a Microsoft Azure* IoT Central Dashboard 

As a next step, you can create an Azure* IoT Central dashboard for Multi-Camera Detection of Social Distancing, run standalone Python code to fetch telemetry data from Influx DB, and send data to the Azure IoT Central dashboard for visualizing telemetry data. See Connect Edge Devices to Azure IoT* for instructions.

Learn More

To continue learning, see the following guides and software resources:


Address already in use for Grafana 

If running the application results in Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use, use the following command to check and force stop the process: 

sudo kill $(pgrep grafana)

NOTE: If the issue persists, it may be possible that Grafana is running in a Docker container. In that case, stop the container using:

sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q --filter expose=3000)


Address already in use for InfluxDB 

If running the application results in Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use, use the following command to check and force stop the process: 

sudo kill $(pgrep influxd)

NOTE: If the issue persists, it may be possible that InfluxDB is running in a Docker container. In that case, stop the container using:

sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q --filter expose=8086)


Unable to initialize server 

If running the application results in Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused, use the following commands to solve this issue: 

1. Stop the containers:

sudo docker-compose down

2. Allow access to X server:

xhost +

3. Start the containers again:

sudo docker-compose up -d

Support Forum 

If you're unable to resolve your issues, contact the Support Forum.  
