CAM-Visualizer: Class Activation Map Visualization Toolkit

ID 标签 768269
已更新 2/10/2023
版本 1.0.0




CAM-Visualizer provides a GUI-based OS independent app for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit classification models that allows you to view feature activation and class activation maps, given an input image, up to an individual layer level in an intuitive and interactive GUI mode. CAM-Visualizer offers two capabilities: 

  • View feature activations with respect to each layer and class prediction weightage from an input image influenced by a particular layer.  
  • CAM activation shows areas of input image via an attention heatmap contributing to a prediction. The tool supports two open-source pixel-level attribution methods, Score-Cam and SimpleCam (an inference variation of SmoothGrad) that are ported to Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit. The tool is written in Python* with Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit as backend and thus is portable to any system having support for these two.

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and the software listed below.

Configure & Download

  • Time to Complete: Approximately 30 minutes
  • Programming Language: Python* 3.8 or higher
  • Available Software: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit 2022.1

Target System Requirements

  • Intel® Core™ i5 processor or above with 16 GB of RAM  
  • Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS, or Microsoft* Windows* 10
  • Docker* version 20.10 or higher

How It Works

The application uses the inference engine included in the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit. The reference implementation shows an example of how saliency maps can be leveraged in OpenVINO™-based classification applications, including industrial quality inspection. 

Components of the inference module include: 

  • Class Activation Maps using Score-CAM: This approach is a port of the open-source ScoreCAM gradient free CAM calculation method to run natively in OpenVINO™ for computer vision classification workloads with performance optimizations. Learn more about Score-CAM.
  • Class Activation Maps using Simple-CAM: The Simple-CAM approach is a variation of the Smooth-grad approach for inference, involving computation of the mean value across all activations in a layer to generate 2D heatmap. This approach provides quicker saliency map results, but lower quality results compared to the Score-CAM algorithm, and does not provide segmentation per class.  
    For visualization of class activation maps outputted by both Score-CAM and Simple-CAM: Color heatmaps, where the heatmap is superimposed on the image, may be generated, as well as masked heatmaps where the heatmap is superimposed on the image as a segmentation mask. 
  • Class Activation Maps using Grad-CAM for TensorFlow*: This approach is a port of the open-source Grad-CAM method to run for TensorFlow. Learn more about Grad-CAM.
    NOTE: CAM-Visualizer only supports TensorFlow models with .h5 format with embedded model architecture.
  • Feature Activation Maps: CAM-Visualizer outputs the individual feature activation maps in gray-scale, in color (superimposed on the image), and in a histogram depicting the distributions of the individual activations.


The data flow is represented by a complex block diagram.
Figure 1: Flow Diagram




The architecture is represented by a complex block diagram.
Figure 2: Architecture Diagram



Get Started 

Step 1: Install the Reference Implementation 

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and then follow the steps below to install it.

Configure & Download

  1. Open a new terminal, go to downloaded folder and unzip the package. 
  2. Go to class_activation_map_visualizer/ directory. 
    cd class_activation_map_visualizer/
  3. Change permission of the executable edgesoftware file. 
    chmod 755 edgesoftware
  4. Run the command below to install the Reference Implementation. 
    ./edgesoftware install
  5. During the installation, you will be prompted for the Product Key. The Product Key is contained in the email you received from Intel confirming your download. 
    A console window showing a system prompt to enter the product key.
    Figure 3: Product Key

  6. When the installation is complete, you will see the message “Installation of package complete” and the installation status for each module. 
    A console window showing system output during the install process. At the end of the process, the system displays the message “Installation of package complete” and the installation status for each module.
    Figure 4: Installation Success

Step 2: Installation Requirements (One-Time)

Option 1: Set up a Docker Environment

The Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit Docker image has the required backend components. You must have Docker installed on your system before you complete the steps below. 

  1. Build the Docker image with the command:
    docker build --no-cache --tag openvino_camviz:2022 --file Dockerfile .
  2. Run the CAM-Visualizer Docker container. You can modify the following examples according to your system setup.  
    # Example 1:
    docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /home/user/mapped:/camviz --name openvino_camviz openvino_camviz:2022
    # Example 2:
    docker run -it --rm --device /dev/dri/ -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp./X11-unix -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /home/user/mapped:/camviz --name openvino_cam openvino_camgui:latest 
  3. Install the requirements:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Navigate to the /mapped/... folder using the Docker container command prompt and follow the steps outlined in the next section.



To set up a Docker environment on a Windows host, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.0.

Regardless of whether you are setting up a Docker Environment, if you are setting up WSL, follow steps 1-3 to get the Tkinter GUI up and running.

Skip steps 1-3 if your WSL version is build 21364 or higher. For details, refer to this WSL guide

  1. Install an X11-application, such as VcXsrv, on your Windows host and use Xlaunch to start the application.
  2. In your WSL terminal, run the following command: ​​
    export DISPLAY=$(echo $(grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/nameserver //'):0.0)
  3. Install x11-apps: 
    sudo apt-get install x11-apps
  4. Build Docker image:
    docker build --tag openvino_camgui:latest --file Dockerfile .
  5. Run the container: 
    docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v YOUR_PATH_HERE:/camgui --name openvino_cam openvino_camgui:latest
  6. Install the requirements: 
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    NOTE: If you see an error similar to: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement openvino==2022.2.0
    run this command: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip


Option 2: Set up a Python Virtual Environment

  1. Run the below command to create a local Python virtual environment and install necessary packages:
    source ./


  2. Run the following command to activate the Python environment: 
    source ./



Run the following commands:

python3 -m venv camviz_env
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the Application 

You can run the application with the GUI or with the console. 

Use the GUI 

Start the application with the command:

python camgui/ 


To run inference on a single test image, follow the instructions below. 

Run Inference with Class Activations

  1. Load Model:
    GUI dashboard for CAM Visualization with the Load Model button highlighted.
    Figure 5: Load Model

  2. A pop-up window will open. Choose a supported OpenVino™ / TensorFlow model:
    GUI dashboard for CAM Visualization showing the Select a File dialog (screen 1 of 2).
    Figure 6: Choose a Supported Model (1 of 2)

    GUI dashboard for CAM Visualization showing the Select a File dialog (screen 2 of 2).
    Figure 7: Choose a Supported Model (2 of 2)

  3. Model layers are shown in the list box:
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the Layer information highlighted.
    Figure 8: View Model Layers

  4. Select image: 
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the Select Image button highlighted.
    Figure 9: Select Image

  5. Select Preprocessing Mode: 
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the Preprocessing drop-down highlighted.
    Figure 10: Select Preprocessing Mode

  6. Select Activation Type: 
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the Activation drop-down highlighted.
    Figure 11: Select Activation Type

  7. Select CAM Type. These can be (for Class Activation Type only):
    • OpenVINO™: Score-CAM or SimpleCAM
    • TensorFlow: Score-CAM, SimpleCAM, GradCAM 
      CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the CAM Type drop-down highlighted.
      Figure 12: Select CAM Type

  8. Click on Layer (highlighted in screenshot): 
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with a particular Layer labeled pool5 highlighted.
    Figure 13: Click on Layer

  9. Use the scroll bar to view the visualizations.
    • Sample output for Score-CAM selection
      CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the scroll bar and pan details highlighted.
      Figure 14: Sample Output of Score-CAM

    • Sample output for Simple-CAM selection
      CAM Visualization GUI dashboard showing output for Simple-CAM.
      Figure 15: Sample Output of Simple-CAM

    • Sample output for Score-CAM masked selection
      CAM Visualization GUI dashboard showing output for Score-CAM masked.
      Figure 16: Sample Output of Score-CAM Masked

    • Sample output for Score-CAM for TensorFlow model
      CAM Visualization GUI dashboard showing output for Score-CAM for TensorFlow.
      Figure 17: Sample Output of Score-CAM for TensorFlow Model

    • Sample output for Grad-CAM for TensorFlow model 
      CAM Visualization GUI dashboard showing output for Grad-CAM for TensorFlow.
      Figure 18: Sample Output of Grad-CAM for TensorFlow Model



Run Inference with Feature Activations

  1. Follow the steps above, but instead select Feature Activation from the drop-down box.
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard with the Feature Activation drop-down highlighted.
    Figure 19: Select Feature Activation

  2. Check for Success. If it was successful, the results will be as follows for the class activation maps. 
    CAM Visualization GUI dashboard showing Check for Success.
    Figure 20: Check for Success



Use the Console

Start the application: 

python camgui/ <arguments>

Examples using different arguments: 

  • List all the layers of the densenet-121 model: 
    python -m public\densenet-121\FP16\densenet-121.xml -ll
  • Get heatmaps of SimpleCAM of layer input_9 of the EfficientNetB0 model and save it to a directory:
    python -m public\models\ir\EfficientNetB0.h5 -l input_9 -i tests\baseline_test_images\dog_cat.png -s savehere\EfficientNet -v heatmap -cm simple 
  • Get heatmaps of ScoreCAM of final layer of the EfficientNetB0.h5 model with 8 top features and 20 top classes and save it to a directory: 
    $ python -m public\models\ir\EfficientNetB0.h5 -i tests\baseline_test_images\dog_cat.png -s savehere -cm score -tf 8 -tc 20


  • Currently supported model formats:
    • .xml
    • .h5 




Default action

-m, --model


Specify the path to the model

Mandatory to specify

-ll, --list


List all the layers of the model


-l, --layer


Used to specify a layer in the model

Points to last layer

-cm, --cmethod

simple, score

Specify CAM Method


-i, --image


Path to input image


-s, --save


Path to save the heatmaps

If not provided,
then no heatmaps will be saved

-v, --visual

mask, heatmap

Specify the visual mode


-tf, --topfeatures


Number of features to predict in each class


-tc, --topclasses


Number of classes to predict.
Use only when cmethod is set to score.


-p, --pre

None, tf, caffe, torch

Preprocessing techniques
to apply on input images



NOTE: Console CAM-Visualizer currently does not support the following capabilities. Support for these capabilities is planned for a future release of the solution. 

  • Feature activations 

  • GradCAM heatmap method  

  • Options to select custom image width/height selection 



Navigate to the tutorials directory to find an example API use of CAM-Visualizer.

Build a Solution Based on the Product 

You can leverage CAM-Visualizer for classification workloads in which CAM-Visualizer is able to identify the portions of the image where the model is looking to make a prediction. 

For example, the image below shows examples of applying CAM-Visualizer with an AI model to the Textile Defect Classification Reference Implementation. CAM-Visualizer is directly able to highlight the area of the stain associated with the classification. Similarly, the results taken from the CAM-Visualizer GUI on the Industrial Surface Defect Detection Reference Implementation in the image below, demonstrate the results of CAM-Visualizer for detection workloads.

Output of CAM-Visualizer RI compared to Industrial Surface Detection output and Textile Defect Classifier output.
Figure 21: Apply CAM-Visualizer to other Reference Implementations


Alternatively, the Cam-Visualizer API can be integrated in the source code of a product for use cases such as Industrial Surface Defect Detection. Saliency maps can be generated at a chosen cadence with the parameters of your choice, for example, layer selection. 

CAM-Visualizer can help enable you to compare multiple models’ results to help diagnose which models are making incorrect predictions.

Summary and Next Steps 

You successfully ran the CAM-Visualizer application and displayed the result using the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit Inference Engine. 

As a next step, you can integrate CAM-Visualizer into your application via the API.

Learn More 

To continue learning, see the following guides and software resources: 


Visualization Results Look Incorrect

If you do not see expected visualization results, take the following actions:

  1. Identify if the pre-processing mechanism needs to be adjusted in relation to the source network. 
  2. Compare the results with another saliency map algorithm supported by the tool. For example, if you are using Score-CAM for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, compare with Simple-CAM. If a TensorFlow source network is available, compare with Grad-CAM.
  3. (Optional) Inspect the saliency maps for the other layers to identify consistencies between layers. 
  4. You may also choose to inspect and modify the source code if the above actions are not working, in a scenario where you are using a custom model that requires modification of the implementation.


Incompatible .h5 File

CAM-Visualizer only supports TensorFlow models with .h5 format with embedded model architecture. Support for other TensorFlow formats such as .pb and .ckpt are planned for a future release.


Support Forum 

If you're unable to resolve your issues, contact the Support Forum.