Install Intel® Parallel Studio XE on Amazon Web Services* (AWS)

ID 标签 675440
已更新 4/10/2020
版本 Latest




This article covers the installation steps with troubleshooting and tips for Intel® Parallel Studio XE on Amazon Web Services* (AWS). Note that some of the tools may have functional restrictions due to the cloud environment. For system requirements and other details, refer to the Release Notes. For further Intel support, visit our Support page.

If your applications are built with Intel® Compilers or if you dynamically link to Intel® Performance Libraries*, the runtime must be made available on the AWS instances. To learn how to access runtimes at no cost – see Installing Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime using Linux Package Manager.

Developers can also easily install Intel® Performance Libraries and Intel® Distribution for Python* via popular Linux package managers.

Getting Started with AWS

This article assumes you are familiar with AWS environment. To learn more about working with AWS, see Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

Specifically, this article assumes:

  • You have an AWS account.
  • You are familiar with creating instances within the AWS environment.
  • To learn more about launching an instance see Getting Started with Amazon EC2 Linux Instances and Launching an Instance.
  • This article covers the installation steps with troubleshooting and tips for Intel® Parallel Studio XE on AWS. Note that some of the tools may have functional restrictions due to the VM environment. 
  • If your applications are built with Intel® Compilers or if you dynamically link to Intel® Performance Libraries*, the runtime must be made available on the AWS instances. Please see this article to learn more how you can now easily access Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime through Linux* package managers at no cost. 
  • Developers can also easily install Intel® Performance Libraries and Intel® Distribution for Python* via popular Linux package managers. See this article to learn more.

Setting Up an AWS Linux* Instance

Creating an Instance

  • Log in to your AWS account.
  • Navigate to the EC2 dashboard.
  • Click the Launch Instance button.
  • Step 1 – Choose AMI: Select the AMI type to launch as instance.
    Suggested AMI:  Latest Amazon Linux or Ubuntu* AMI.
  • Step 2 – Choose an Instance Type:  Use the default t2.micro instant type.
    Note, you can move to any step using the dashboard steps bar on top.
  • Step 3 – Configure Instance: Choose your desired VPC and a Subnet.
    Click the Protect against accidental termination box.
  • Step 4 – Add Storage:  Set the instance storage to a minimum of 25GB.
  • Step 5 – Add Tags: Name the instance if you want to have a unique identifier (Example: Key = “Name”, Value = “Intel Parallel Studio XE”).
  • Step 6 – Configure Security Group: You may use the default settings or restrict to match your security needs. Please see Installing with a Floating License for additional configuration.
    Important: Make sure SSH, Port TCP 22, is accessible. This Security Group will be modified later with the license manager port rules. 
  • Step 7 – Review and Launch: Click on Launch to launch the instance. 
  • Create Key-Pair dialog: Use any existing key-pair or select the option ‘Create a new key pair’ and enter a key pair name. [Example: ‘Intel Parallel Studio XE’]. Click on the Download Key Pair. A key file [.pem] will be created. Save the file (IntelParallelStudioXE.pem).
    Note, this is the only time you will be able to download the key.
  • Click the Launch Instances button: The dashboard will display the Launch Status. Click on the Instance ID to return to the Instance Dashboard. This process may take a few minutes before the instance is running.

Adding the License Manager Ports to the Security Group (for floating licenses only)

The license manager runs two processes on ports that must be accessible to the remote clients.  The default ports are 27009 [lmgrd port] and 28519 [Intel vendor daemon port]. In the next steps, the security group will be edited and these ports added.

  • In the Instances screen, select the newly created instance. Scroll down the details pane and locate the Security Groups settings and click on the name. The Security Group listing will open.
  • Copy the Group ID from the list to your clipboard.
  • From the tabs below, click Inbound.
  • Click the Edit button to open a dialog window with the current rule. 
  • Click the Add Rule button to create a new rule with a Custom TCP type.
  • In Port Range, enter 27000-27009.
  • Leaving the Source type as Custom, paste the Group ID into the text box to the right. 
  • Click Save.
  • You can allow clients to connect to the license server by allowing the FlexLM ports and referencing your local clients’ Security Groups for inbound rules.

Note: Creating this security group ensures that only other instances with the same security group will have access to the license manager ports, including the license manager itself.

Changing Network Interface (ENI) Termination Behavior

Named-user licenses are tied to the MAC address of the Network Interface. To prevent the network interface from being deleted, you will need to change the default termination behavior of the ENI. This is in case the instance is accidentally or intentionally terminated.

  • In the Instances screen, select the newly created instance. Scroll down the details pane and locate the Network settings and click on eth0. The network setting dialog will open.
  • Click on the Interface ID to open the ENI configuration window.
  • From the Actions dropdown menu select Change Termination Behavior. Uncheck the Delete on Termination box and click Save.

Note: See section ‘Installing with a Named-User License’ below for more insights on maintaining a consistent MAC address for your instance.

Connecting to the AWS Instance

This instructions below assume you are working from within a Linux* or Mac OS* environment.

For more information or if you are working from a Windows* environment see Connecting to Your Linux Instance Using SSH.


  • Install an SSH client.
    Your Linux computer most likely includes an SSH client by default. You can check for an SSH client by typing ssh at the command line. If your computer doesn't recognize the command, the OpenSSH project provides a free implementation of the full suite of SSH tools. For more information, see the OpenSSH web page.
  • Install the AWS CLI Tools.
    (Optional) If you're using a public AMI from a third party, you can use the command line tools to verify the fingerprint. For more information about installing the AWS CLI, see Getting Set Up in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
  • Get the public DNS name of the instance.
    You can get the public DNS for your instance using the Amazon EC2 console (check the Public DNS (IPv4) column; if this column is hidden, choose the Show/Hide icon and select Public DNS (IPv4)). If you prefer, you can use the describe-instances (AWS CLI) or Get-EC2Instance (AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell) command.
  • Locate the private key.
    Get the fully qualified path to the location on your computer of the .pem file for the key pair that you specified when you launched the instance.
  • Enable inbound SSH traffic from your IP address to your instance.
    Ensure that the security group associated with your instance allows incoming SSH traffic from your IP address. For more information, see Authorizing Network Access to Your Instances.
    Important: Your default security group does not allow incoming SSH traffic by default.

Connecting using SSH

  1. In a command-line shell, change directories to the location of the private key file that you created when you launched the instance.
  2. Use the chmod command to make sure that your private key file isn't publicly viewable. For example, if the name of your private key file is my-key-pair.pem, use the following command:
    chmod 400 /path/my-key-pair.pem
  3. Use the ssh command to connect to the instance. You specify the private key (.pem) file and user_name@public_dns_name. For Amazon Linux, the user name is ec2-user. For RHEL*, the user name is ec2-user or root. For Ubuntu*, the user name is ubuntu or root. For CentOS*, the user name is centos. For Fedora*, the user name is ec2-user. For SuSE*, the user name is ec2-user or root. Otherwise, if ec2-user and root don't work, check with your AMI provider.
    ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem

Installing Intel® Software Development Products

Once your AWS instance is up and running, you can proceed with the product installation.

If you received an Intel email for the software product you acquired, follow the instructions in the email to register your Serial Number and create an Intel Registration Center account (if you don’t already have one).


To download the product:

  • Open the registration email and click on the Download link.
  • OR go to Intel Registration Center and log into your account. In the product tab locate your software product and download it.

When downloading you have a choice between using the online installer and an offline package.

  • Online Installer – You can choose to customize and install the product now, OR
    You can choose to create and download a customized package for a later installation.
  • Offline Package – This package includes all the components in the product and as such is larger than the customized package.

You now need to move your selected installer to the cloud instance.

Transfer through winSCP*

  • Transfer files to your instance using the instance public DNS name.
  • For example, if the private key file name is my-key-pair, the file to transfer is SampleFile.txt, and the public DNS name of the instance is
  • Use the following command to copy the file to the ec2-user home directory:
    scp -i /path/my-key-pair.pem /path/SampleFile.txt

Prerequisites and Installation

  1. Before you begin, make sure you have an updated system and a working development environment installed. You can do that with the following commands:
    sudo yum update && sudo yum install wget lsb gcc-c++ expect
    sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install wget lsb g++ expect 
  2. Go to the directory you transferred the package to.
  3. Untar the archive:
    tar –xf <package_name>.tgz
  4. Run and follow the onscreen instructions to complete installation.
  5. For more details, see the Intel® Parallel Studio XE Installation Guide.

Installing with a Named-User License

During installation it is recommended to use the serial number to install the product. For alternative activation methods see the Installation Guide and the Product Licensing FAQ.

A named-user license is limited to n simultaneous activations as defined in our Software EULA.

Installing with a Floating License

Floating license installation has two parts: License Server installation and Product installation.

License Server Installation

  • Download the License Manager.
    • Log in to Intel Registration Center.
    • In the Serial Numbers tab locate your serial number and click it.
    • On the Manage License page scroll down and locate the license manager.
    • Click on the Download button.

Note: The Intel Software License Manager can run on either Windows* or Linux*and can serve licenses to either a Windows* or a Linux* clients. Note that you will need the license specific to the OS you are running the client. 

  • Install the License Manager.
    • When installing the License Manager, select ‘I have a license file’. Browse to the file location and select it.
  • Once the License Manager had been installed, it should start automatically. If you have to start it manually:
    • On the host system, go to the directory where you installed the License Server.
    • Run the lmgrd daemon specifying the location of the license file with the –c flag:
      ./lmgrd –c /path/to/server.lic &

Important: Make sure that the instance you install the License Manager on is protected against termination and is accessible from other instances.To allow instances that are associated with the same security group to communicate with each other, you must explicitly add rules for this. See:

Note: License server can serve both Windows and Linux OS however the license type should match the client OS. Please see Product Licensing FAQ for more information.

Product Installation

  • Use the link in the registration email or log into Intel Registration Center to download the product. See detailed information about downloading options in the Download section above.
  • In the activation screen choose the ‘I have a serial number and I want to activate my product’ option. Enter the serial number for your floating license and proceed with the installation. For information on using Intel Parallel Studio XE please refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020 Installation Guide for Linux* OS.

Intel® VTune™ Profiler

AWS now provides bare metal EC2 instances which allow full capability of Intel VTune Profiler. Non-metal instance types provide limited functionality, described in this article: Intel® VTune™ Profiler Functionality on AWS* Instances.

The VTune Profiler Cookbook also contains a recipe on Profiling Applications in Amazon Web Services* (AWS) EC2 Instances.

Applying Patches and Upgrades

Keeping up with the latest Intel Parallel Studio XE updates is recommended to ensure OS and platform support, as well as the latest security updates. License owners are notified when a new major release and/or update is available from the Intel Registration Center. 

The Intel Parallel Studio XE installer creates a folder which contains common files for all components installed. How additional installations are handled depends on the individual components.

Compilers and Libraries

Installation of the Intel Parallel Studio XE suite will create a separate folder for the compilers and libraries named with the major release, update, and build numbers. Multiple updates may be installed side by side, and installing a new version does not remove or disable existing installations of the compiler and libraries.


As with the compilers and libraries, installation of the Intel Parallel Studio XE suite will create a new folder for each analyzer tool, such as Intel VTune Profiler, named with the major release, update, and build numbers. Unlike the compilers and libraries, side by side installs of the analyzers are not allowed for updates of the same major release.

If the installer detects an older installation of an analyzer, it will prompt the user to delete it. Multiple installs of different major releases are allowed. For example, a user may install the initial release of Intel Inspector 2020 on an instance with Intel Inspector 2019 update 5 already installed. Both versions can remain installed on the instance.

Subsequent installations of updates to major releases of the analyzers will disable the existing update or initial release. Only one update of a major version can be installed at a time. For example, a user installs Intel Inspector 2020 update 1 on a system with the initial 2020 release already installed. This will remove most of the initial release files, and only the last installed update may be used.

Software Recovery

In the event that the Intel Parallel Studio XE software or any of its components are removed or corrupted on the instance, the installer offers a few options:

  1. Repair the installation - this will detect problems with the installation and attempt to fix them
  2. Modify the installation - this will allow the user to add or remove components
  3. Uninstall the product - this will remove the product from the system, but the license will remain

To reinstall the product, first uninstall it from the system, then run the installer again. It should automatically detect the existing license.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Verifying Floating Licenses Checkout

On the client set the environment variable INTEL_LMD_DEBUG to 1 and run a tool such as the compiler. At the bottom of the output you should see where the license came from.

For floating license server you should see a note about successful checkout. 

Connecting to an Instance with no auto-assigned Public IP

If an instance was created without an auto-assigned Public IP, an Elastic IP address will need to be added. For more information on adding an Elastic IP, see Elastic IP Address Basics.

Additional Resources