MitySOM-A10S Arria® 10 SoC Board with Dual Side Connectors
The MitySOM-A10S with Dual Side Connectors (MitySOM-A10S-DSC) is an Intel® Arria® 10 SoC board-level solution for machine vision and scientific imaging applications, and other stack-through configurations. In addition to the A10 processor, the module includes on-board power supplies, two DDR4 RAM memory subsystems, micro SD card, a USB 2.0 on the go (OTG) port, and a temperature sensor. The MitySOM-A10S-DSC provides a complete and flexible CPU infrastructure for highly integrated embedded systems. The MitySOM-A10S-DSC is available with a 270KLE Intel® Arria® 10 SX. Options up to 480KLE devices are available. This MPU can run a rich set of real-time operating systems containing software APIs expected by modern system designers. The architecture supports several operating systems, including Linux.
- 类别:
- 组件: FPGA 主板: SOM - 模块系统
- 操作系统:
Linux* Other Linux family*
Linux* Other Linux family* Linux*
- 最终客户类型:
Critical Link LLC
Critical Link LLC
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Critical Link 是一家嵌入式系统工程设计公司,拥有为工业、医疗、科学和国防应用开发电子产品的丰富经验。我们的工程设计人员跨越多个必要学科,以确保技术成功,同时加快上市时间。Critical Link 在图像传感器技术、SoC 和 FPGA 设计、视觉协议、传感器集成以及信号处理专业知识方面的深厚经验使我们成为首屈一指的开发合作伙伴和解决方案提供商。
Mitysom-a10s Arria® 10 Soc Board With Dual Side Connectors
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