Intel® Agilex™通用I/O和LVDS SERDES用户指南

ID 683780
日期 12/16/2019
文档目录 使用Assignment Editor配置差分输入RD OCT

表 38.   Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Assignment Editor—片上差分匹配This table lists the assignment name for on-chip differential termination in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software Assignment Editor.
Field Assignment
To rx_in
Assignment name Input Termination
Value Differential
  1. Intel® Quartus® Prime中,点击Assignments > Assignment Editor
  2. To列中,搜索要配置的管脚。
  3. Assignment Name列中,选择Input Termination
  4. Value列中,选择Differential
  5. 点击save进行保存。