Simplify System Software Stack Development and Maintenance
Speakers: Karl Schulz and John Westlund, Intel
Building large-scale systems is extremely challenging because high-performance computing (HPC) system software includes integrating and validating dozens of components. Ensuring stable and reliable integration of system software stack components is an enormous task due to multiple interdependencies and compatibility concerns. The OpenHPC* community project and the Intel® HPC Orchestrator (a supported system software stack based on OpenHPC) provide a modular approach to simplifying system software stack development and maintenance.
This session demonstrates the hierarchical structure employed to track dependencies across multiple operating systems, message passing interface (MPI), and compiler families. This design targets increasing the speed, reliability, an optimization of large-scale system deployment, which are all part of the Intel® Scalable System Framework.
性能因用途、配置和其他因素而异。请访问 了解更多信息。