Introduction to oneAPI Developer Summit at ISC 2021
Learn about resources to explore oneAPI on your own and how to be part of the oneAPI developer community.
Sujata Tibrewala kicks off the oneAPI Developer Summit at ISC 2021 by presenting available resources to explore oneAPI on your own and how to be part of the oneAPI developer community.
Sujata Tibrewala is the oneAPI Worldwide Developer Community manager at Intel who defines programs to enable the developer community to use oneAPI. She is a cochair for IEEE Edge Automation Platform Roadmap and is a frequent presenter at various IEEE and industry conferences. She has held positions of director at Silicon Valley Engineering Council and TSC chair for Documentation Akraino. She is also a self-taught artist who has exhibited at various venues in US and India including University of Illinois, Chicago, Life Force Arts Center, and Lalit Kala Academy.
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