IMSL Licensing Frequently Asked Questions

ID 标签 689795
已更新 12/26/2018
版本 Latest



Deployment Licensing for Your Applications that Include Rogue Wave* IMSL* Numerical Libraries Content

Note: As of summer 2018, Rogue Wave* IMSL is no longer available directly from Intel. It can be obtained directly from Rogue Wave or Rogue Wave resellers.

Intel resells the Rogue Wave* IMSL* Fortran Numerical Libraries 7.0.1 with Intel® Fortran. The name of the product that combines these components is Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 with Rogue Wave IMSL 7.0.1 for Windows*. Intel also resells the IMSL Fortran libraries as an "add-on" product that requires a current license for and installation of one of the following Intel products:

  • Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 for Windows
  • Intel Composer XE 2013 SP1 for Windows
  • Intel Visual Fortran Studio XE 2013 SP1 for Windows
  • Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 SP1 for Windows
  • Intel Cluster Studio XE 2013 SP1 for Windows

In September 2011, the IMSL End User License Agreement was changed to require, in most cases, the purchase of a separate "deployment license" if someone other than the licensed developer was to run an application that used IMSL. In July 2013, Intel and Rogue Wave negotiated a new agreement that significantly relaxes the deployment restrictions. This article helps explain the new license agreement and what changed, but this Q&A document is not a substitute for legal advice from your own counsel.

While reading this page, please refer to the IMSL Fortran Numerical Library End User License Agreement

Q1. What is IMSL?

The IMSL Numerical Libraries are a comprehensive set of mathematical and statistical functions that programmers can embed into their software applications. Using these libraries adds performance and quality to an application and saves developers time because they don't need to write the functionality themselves. IMSL is composed of the following types of functions:

Mathematics Statistics
  • Matrix Operations
  • Linear Algebra
  • Eigensystems
  • Interpolation & Approximation
  • Numerical Quadrature
  • Differential Equations
  • Nonlinear Equations
  • Optimization
  • Special Functions
  • Finance & Bond Calculations
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • Basic Statistics
  • Time Series & Forecasting
  • Nonparametric Tests
  • Correlation & Covariance
  • Data Mining
  • Regression
  • Analysis of Variance
  • Transforms
  • Goodness of Fit
  • Distribution Functions
  • Random Number Generation
  • Neural Networks
Q2. What's a deployment (or runtime) license? Why do I need it?

Deployment licenses grant rights to use, in this case, IMSL capabilities that have been built into an application. 'Runtime license' is just another term for 'deployment license' – they are the same thing. Intel promotional collateral and the Rogue Wave End-User License Agreement (EULA) refer to 'deployment licenses.'.

All Intel-originated software development products include deployment license rights without separate charges or separate licensing. IMSL is a product from Rogue Wave. Intel is reselling this popular library for the convenience of Windows-based Fortran developers. This means customers are licensing IMSL under Rogue Wave terms and conditions. It is Rogue Wave's general business practice to license developer and deployment rights separately, and charge for both.

Q3. What changed in July 2013 regarding deployment licenses

In July 2013, Intel and Rogue Wave negotiated a new agreement which eliminates the need for separately purchased deployment licenses in the following cases:

  • The application developer is running the application using IMSL themselves.

  • If Intel® Visual Fortran was purchased by an organization, an application using IMSL is being run by persons employed by or contracted to the organization in support of the organization's business.

  • For cases that meet one of the two above descriptions, the application is run on a cluster or a system with more than four processors or more than four cores per processor.

Q4. I'm a developer of an application that I alone will use on a named-user system. What do I buy?

Consider buying one named-user developer license (new or, as appropriate, SSR) which permits you to run applications you develop that use IMSL.

Q5. I'm an end-user customer and I'm developing an application for other users in my company. What do I buy?

As long as this application is in support of the company's business, an individual developer license is sufficient.

Q6. Did you say something about 32- and 64-bit licensing?

No. All licensing is independent of 'bittedness.'

Q7. My company is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) and we want one new developer license for an application that will be resold to our customers. What do I buy?

You should consider buying one new commercial license for Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with IMSL. If the application with IMSL content is used by your customers (that is, users outside the ISV), you can contact Rogue Wave for information about IMSL deployment licenses. Here is Rogue Wave contact information relating only to ISV deployment licensing (worldwide):, phone 303.545.3246, fax 303.447.2568.

Q8. I'm an ISV, have a named-user license and want to renew. What do I buy?

Consider whether your needs would be met by buying one development license Software Support Renewal (SSR) for Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with IMSL.If you are distributing an update of your application outside your company – an update based on Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with IMSL – then either you or your customer is responsible for obtaining proper deployment licenses. You may contact Rogue Wave for information about IMSL deployment licenses. Here is Rogue Wave contact information relating only to ISV deployment licensing (worldwide):, phone 303.545.3246, fax 303.447.2568.

Q9. Is there a license-check in the system for IMSL deployment licenses?

No. It is up to the developer-organizations to understand the terms and conditions of the software licenses they purchase, including the Rogue Wave IMSL deployment licenses.

Q10. Are there floating licenses for "Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with Rogue Wave IMSL*"?

No. All developer licenses and IMSL deployment licenses are user-based. They do not float. When it comes time to deliver and use the application, you should take a look at whether purchasing the server-based IMSL deployment rights might meet your needs.

Q11. Intel allows me to install its developer tools on multiple computers, as long as I am the only user of the tool on those computers. Does this also hold for "Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with Rogue Wave IMSL*"?


Q12. If I'm a developer with a current license subscription, either new or SSR, for Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with IMSL, do the new license terms apply retroactively to me?


Q13. If I have a license for "Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE with IMSL*" but no longer want to use IMSL, can I buy a support subscription renewal (SSR) for Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE – the form of the product that doesn't have IMSL?


Q14. What if I have more questions about license terms for either the Intel products or the IMSL libraries as sold by Intel?

Please contact us either directly or through your preferred software development tools vendor.
