Use MPICH to Support Coarrays for the Intel® Fortran Compilers

ID 标签 660421
已更新 10/20/2022
版本 Latest




The Intel® Fortran Compiler (ifx 2022.2.0 and newer) and Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) currently support coarrays using the Intel® MPI Library. It is possible to use other MPICH-based implementations instead, but this is unsupported.

Follow the instructions below to use MPICH in place of the Intel® MPI Library for Linux. 

This example uses MPICH 3.3.2. Refer to for more information about the latest version of MPICH.

Get MPI Sources

Download the kit from and unpack it to your preferred directory. In this example, the directory is mpich.dir and the kit chosen is “mpich-3.3.2”.

mkdir mpich.dir
mkdir mpich_install.dir
cd mpich.dir
gunzip -d -v mpich-3.3.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf mpich-3.3.2.tar.gz



The MPICH build requires you to specify an installation directory. This installation directory can be shared or private. In the example below, the private installation directory mpich_install.dir is used.

There are several options available to the build described in the README file. The following two options must be set:

  • --prefix specifies the installation directory;
  • --enable-g specifies the amount of debugging support. This example uses --enable-g=none to avoid the run-time issue of messages about memory usage.
cd mpich-3.3.2
configure --prefix <your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir \
   --enable-debuginfo --enable-g=none --enable-shared >& config_log.txt
make install


Prepare to Use

Set your environment to find the MPICH libraries and executables prior to those in the Intel® MPI Library, as outlined below.

For csh users:

setenv PATH “<your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir/bin:${PATH}"
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "<your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
setenv INCLUDE "<your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir/include;${INCLUDE}"

For bash users:

export PATH=“<your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir/bin:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
expert INCLUDE="<your-directory-path>/mpich_install.dir/include;$INCLUDE"


Following this setup, you can compile, link, and run your applications as usual.



The MPICH build uses a tool called automake. If you do not have automake, you can download it from This example used automake-1.16.tar.gz, upacked it to mpich.dir/automake-1.16, and place that directory in the PATH environment variable.


Coarrays are not supported on macOS* systems.

