Intel® Distribution for Python - Development Environment Setting for Jupyter* Notebook and Pycharm*

ID 标签 688732
已更新 3/22/2017
版本 Latest




This article describes how to set up the Intel® Distribution for Python* development environment. Two typical development environments are described. The first is a Jupyter* notebook, and the second is Pycharm*. This article contains details on setting up Intel® Distribution for Python* in both development environments.

1. What is Intel Distribution for Python?

Intel Distribution for Python gives you ready access to tools and techniques for high performance to supercharge all your Python applications on modern Intel platforms. Yet Python is known for simplicity and speed of development. The Intel Distribution for Python addresses this fundamental performance challenge using the techniques (Intel® MKL, Intel® Threading Building Blocks, Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library)

More details are in :

2. Install Intel® Distribution for Python* (IDP)

(1) Install Anaconda

(2) Run command prompt as admin in Windows and enter the following commands in the window to download / install Intel Python via Anaconda.


conda update conda
conda config --add channels intel
conda create -n idp3 intelpython3_full python=3
conda create -n idp2 intelpython2_full python=2

(3) To run Jupyter notebook for IDP2 or IDP3, enter the following commands in the window.

activate idp2
jupyter notebook

activate idp3
jupyter notebook

(4) Jupyter notebook is opened in browser and go to NEW > Python2 or Python3

(5) Enter Python commands for checking the Python version. (SHIFT+ENTER Key at end of input.)

import sys

You can see the Intel® Distribution for Python* version.


3. Setting Intel® Distribution for Python* for Pycharm IDE

(1) Install Pycharm IDE  (

(2) New project  > Add Local

(2) Enter the path of Intel Distribution for Python

 Nomally, it is C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\envs\idp2\python.exe

(3) Enter Python commands for checking the Python version and run. And you can check the right Intel Distribution for Python version has set.


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