Immersive Video Sample Reference Implementation

ID 标签 713646
已更新 1/12/2022
版本 Latest




Powered by Open Visual Cloud. The Immersive Video Sample includes two samples based on different streaming frameworks: 

  • Omnidirectional Media Format (OMAF) sample: Based on OMAF standard. Uses MPEG DASH as the protocol to deliver tiled 360 video stream. Can support both VOD and live streaming mode.  
  • WebRTC (real-time communications) sample: Enables tiled 360 video streaming based on WebRTC protocol and Open WebRTC Toolkit media server framework for low-latency streaming for immersive 360 video.  

Select Configure & Download to download the sample and the software listed below.   

Configure & Download

Immersive video sample view of street with a building and parking lot with a few cars.

  • Time to Complete: 1 hour
  • Programming Language: C/C++, JavaScript*, Java*
  • Available Software: 
    • WebRTC
    • FFmpeg
    • NGINX

Target System Requirements 

  • Linux* 64 bit Operating Systems 
  • Recommended OS for Client: CentOS* 7.6 or Ubuntu* 18.04 Server LTS
  • Recommended OS for Server: CentOS 7.6 
  • Disk Space needed: 10 GB (Source code: 275 MB, Docker* Images: ~10 GB)

How It Works

OMAF Sample 

The OMAF Sample provides a quick trial to setup E2E OMAF-Compliant 360 video streaming. OMAF 360 Video streaming sample can support both VOD and Live streaming for 4K and 8K contents. OMAF sample can be deployed with Kubernetes* or directly with Docker* image. 

The diagram contains 3 main blocks: on the left is Encoder, the middle is OMAF Dashing, and the right side is OMAF Player. A small grey box with an arrow pointing to Encoder box says "RTMP/RTSP/File."
Figure 1: Architecture Diagram


WebRTC Sample 

The WebRTC Sample provides a low latency end-to-end 360 video streaming service, based on the WebRTC technology and Open WebRTC Toolkit (OWT) media server. It supports 4K and 8K tile-based transcoding powered by SVT-HEVC, and bandwidth efficient FoV(Field of view) based adaptive streaming.

The diagram consists of multiple tiles. One the left is FOV and a 360 degree camera with an arrow to Decoder. Decoder is in a larger box called OWT Server. There is also a High Resolution Tile and Low Resolution Tile which point to 3 FOV Tile boxes. Outside of this main box are three boxes for WebRTC Client. Each of those boxes points to either a computer, VR glasses, or a screen.
Figure 2: Architecture Diagram



Get Started

Install Immersive Video Sample

Select Configure & Download to download the Immersive Video sample.   

Configure & Download 

OMAF Sample 

Follow the steps on GitHub to build the OMAF-based sample.

WebRTC Sample 

Follow the steps on GitHub to build the WebRTC-based sample.

Learn More

To continue learning, see the following guides and software resources: 
