Intel® Device Plugins Operator

ID 标签 726526
已更新 1/18/2021
版本 Latest




This One Operator is a Kubernetes custom controller whose goal is to serve the installation and lifecycle management of Intel device plugins for Kubernetes.

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Intel Device Plugins for Kubernetes is a collection of device plugins advertising Intel specific hardware resources to the kubelet. Currently the operator has basic support for the QAT, GPU, FPGA and SGX device plugins: it validates container image references and extends reported statuses.

Design and Architecture

To see each device plugin's design and architecture, please visit:

QAT Device Plugin

GPU Device Plugin

FPGA Device Plugin

SGX Device Plugin

Installation and Usage

To run an operator instance in the container run

$ kubectl apply -f
$ make deploy-operator

Then deploy your device plugin by applying its custom resource, e.g. GpuDevicePlugin with

$ kubectl apply -f ./deployments/operator/samples/deviceplugin_v1_gpudeviceplugin.yaml

Observe it is up and running:

$ kubectl get GpuDevicePlugin
NAME                     DESIRED   READY   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
gpudeviceplugin-sample   1         1                       5s

