Configuration Info
- apt/atlas: installed with apt-get, Ubuntu 16.10, python 3.5.2, numpy 1.11.0, scipy 0.17.0
- pip/openblas: installed with pip, Ubuntu 16.10, python 3.5.2, numpy 1.11.1, scipy 0.18.0;
- Intel Python: Intel Distribution for Python 2017
- Xeon: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2698 v3 @ 2.30 GHz (2 sockets, 16 cores each, HT=off), 64 GB of RAM, 8 DIMMS of 8GB@2133MHz
- Xeon Phi: Intel Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) CPU 7210 1.30 GHz, 96 GB of RAM, 6 DIMMS of 16GB@1200MHz
Problem sizes
Hardware/problem size |
dot |
lu |
det |
inv |
cholesky |
fft |
Xeon (32 core) & Xeon Phi (64 core) |
(20k, 10k) & (10k, 20k) |
(35k, 35k) |
(15k, 15k) |
(25k, 25k) |
(40k, 40k) |
520k |
Xeon (1 core) |
(20k, 5k) & (5k,20k) |
(20k, 20k) |
(10k, 10k) |
(10k, 10k) |
Xeon Phi (1 core) |
(20k, 300) & (300,20k) |
(6k, 6k) |
(4k, 4k) |
(2k, 2k) |