Build Cross-architecture, Cross-vendor Tools for High-Performance Computing (HPC) Application Developers

ID 标签 766062
已更新 7/15/2021
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Xiaozhu Meng
Research scientist focused on HPC developer tools, Rice University

Sujata Tibrewala
oneAPI developer community manager, Intel


Just as a carpenter needs tools to build a house, a developer needs tools to write code and programs. This often means relying on other coders to develop tools, and build on that foundation. Xiaozhu Meng, shares the progress of the Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit project. The toolkit is focused on performance tuning to help with problems like how to map the performance numbers from machine code back to a higher-level programming language construct, or for GPUs, doing fine-grained management to manage performance inside kernels. He also discusses exascale computing and how oneAPI fits in the mix for tools to help developers. Listen in.

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