This document explains how to build Boost using the Intel® C++ Compiler 16.0.0. From the Boost web site:
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license† encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.
We aim to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are included in the C++ Standards Committee's† Library Technical Report (TR1†) and in the new C++11 Standard. C++11 also includes several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost libraries are proposed for standardization in C++17.
Follow the Getting Started Guide† which answers some open questions for details on how to download and install Boost.
The version of Boost used in this document is 1.61.0.
Obtaining Source Code:
The Boost source code was downloaded from†
Configuration Set Up and Bulld Process:
Linux* and OS X*
- Run "source <compiler root>/bin/ {ia32 OR intel64}" or
"source <compiler root>/bin/compilervars.csh {ia32 OR intel64}" - cd <boost root>/tools/build
- ./
- ./b2 install --prefix=<Boost.Build install dir>
- Add <Boost.Build install dir>/bin to your PATH
- cd <boost root>
- For 32-bit: b2 --build-dir=<Boost object directory> toolset=intel stage
For 64-bit: b2 --build-dir=<Boost object directory> address-model=64 toolset=intel stage
- Run "<compiler root>\bin\compilervars.bat {ia32 OR intel64} {vs2010 OR vs2012 OR vs2013}"
- cd <boost root>\tools\build
- bootstrap.bat
- Set the following environment variables:
- b2 install --prefix=<Boost.Build install dir> toolset=intel-16.0-vcXX cxxflags=/Qstd=c++11 -j4
- Add <Boost.Build install dir>\bin to your PATH
- There is an issue with Boost* 1.56.0 and above that prevents toolset=intel from working properly. For that version of Boost, use the following values for toolset (including quotes) in place of intel in the provided command lines:
For Microsoft Visual Studio 2010*: "intel-16.0-vc10"
For Microsoft Visual Studio 2012*: "intel-16.0-vc11"
For Microsoft Visual Studio 2013*: "intel-16.0-vc12"
For 32-bit: b2 --build-dir=<Boost object directory> toolset=intel --build-type=complete stage
For 64-bit: b2 --build-dir=<Boost object directory> address-model=64 toolset=intel --build-type=complete stage