Introducing Additional oneAPI Open-Source Math Library Interfaces

ID 标签 688060
已更新 10/9/2020
版本 Latest



Drive Math-Based Application Optimization with oneMKL


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As part of the oneAPI industry initiative, we released a third in a family of open-source math interfaces. The goal of open-sourcing the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) interface is to address the lack of an industry-standard interface and provide a single, cross-architecture API for CPUs and accelerators. The oneMKL open-source interface lets developers use a single DPC++-based API across multiple CPU and accelerator architectures. Until recently, developers have used multiple libraries, which increased the complexity of their code base and lengthened their development cycle.


oneMKL Solves Key Customer Challenges with a Variety of Domains

The oneMKL APIs can be combined with math libraries that target a range of CPU hardware and other accelerator architectures. For example, the oneMKL open-source interface provides a path to run AMD* and NVIDIA* libraries on Intel® CPUs, GPUs and other accelerators. In other words, oneMKL APIs have a common front end with a hardware-specific back end.

oneMKL is an important part of the oneAPI specification, and offers essential math library interfaces for:

  • Dense linear algebra
  • Sparse linear algebra
  • Random number generators
  • Discrete Fourier transforms
  • Vector math
  • Summary statistics

The oneMKL Linear Algebra Package (LAPACK) includes functionality for solving systems of linear equations and linear least squares, eigenvalue problems, and singular value decomposition. Developers use oneMKL LAPACK in high-performance computing, numerical simulations, AI, machine learning, and many other scientific computing applications. The oneMKL LAPACK open-source interface greatly expands the coverage of common math functions.

The oneMKL open-source interfaces currently support the dense linear algebra BLAS and LAPACK domains, as well as the RNG domain. LAPACK open-source interfaces, with support for the oneMKL on Intel® CPU and GPU back ends, are now available for download. We encourage oneAPI partners to use the new interfaces to support additional cross-architecture hardware devices. In future development, additional open-source interfaces may be added for other domains. The oneAPI specification supports cross-architecture programming, extending developer programming models to enable a diverse set of hardware through language, a set of library APIs, and a low-level hardware interface. To promote compatibility and enable developer productivity and innovation, the oneAPI specification builds on industry standards and provides an open, cross-platform developer stack.


Innovate Today

Address the data deluge and get number-crunching today with oneMKL for heterogeneous hardware. Join us to enable new hardware and extend math interfaces to other math domains.


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