Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit Release Notes 2022.3.1

ID 标签 762880
已更新 12/8/2022
版本 2022.3.1



Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit includes the following components:

Refer to this article to get more information about semantic versioning followed by Intel® oneAPI Toolkits.

New in This Release

Toolkit Level Updates

  • Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit 2022.3.1 has been updated to include functional and security updates. Users should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler 2022.2.1

  • Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2022.2.1 has been updated to include functional and security updates. Users should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

Intel® C++ Compiler Classic 2021.7.1

  • Intel® C++ Compiler Classic 2021.7.1 has been updated to include functional and security updates. Users should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

Intel® Inspector 2022.3.1

  • Intel® Inspector 2022.3.1 may not include all the latest functional and security updates.New version of Intel® Inspector is targeted to be released around end of year 2022 and will include additional functional and security updates. Customers should update to the latest version as it becomes available.
  • The toolkit has been updated to include recent versions of 3rd party components, which include functional and security updates.
  • Intel® C++ Compiler Classic (icc) is deprecated and will be removed in a oneAPI release in the second half of 2023. Intel recommends that customers transition now to using the LLVM-based Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler (icx) for continued Windows* and Linux* support, new language support, new language features, and optimizations. Note that starting with release 2021.7, macOS* support is limited to Mac* computers with Intel® Processors. For more information on icx, see the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference.
  • Intel ® VTune™ Profiler 2022.4 , Intel ® Advisor 2022.3, Intel ® Inspector 2022.3 and Intel ® Trace Analyzer and Collector 2021.7 may not include all the latest functional and security updates. New versions of Intel ® VTune™ Profiler, Intel ® Advisor, Intel ® Inspector and Intel ® Trace Analyzer and Collector are targeted to be released in December 2022 and will include additional functional and security updates. Customers should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

New for Windows* only

  • Fixed integration issue with Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2022 version 17.1.x.

  • New in 2022.1.1 for Linux only
    • Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit 2022.1.1 for Linux has been updated to use Log4j version 2.16 and may not include the latest functional and security updates. Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit  2022.1.2 is targeted to be released in January 2022 and will include additional functional and/or security updates. Customers should update to the latest version as it becomes available.

  • Intel® processor optimizations in compilers and performance libraries and continued CPU performance enhancements. The Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler adds new SYCL 2020 features and extensions, and expands its OpenMP 5.x support.
  • Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
  • Developers are now able to use tools via the intel-meta layer that is provided through OpenEmbedded or Yocto Project to accelerate development of optimized Yocto Project Linux kernels and applications.   

System Requirements

Please refer to System Requirements to check the prerequisites for installing the Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit. 

Changes to Existing Features

  • Developers are now able to use tools via the intel-meta layer that is provided through OpenEmbedded or Yocto Project to accelerate development of optimized Yocto Project Linux kernels and applications.  
  • Deprecation Notice for VS 2017 - Intel® Compiler Integrations for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017 are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Support for Integrations for Visual Studio is limited to two supported major versions of Visual Studio: the current publicly available and supported major version and the previous major version from Microsoft.

Installation Instructions

The Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit can be installed from the download page. For more detailed instructions, see Installation Guide for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits.

For more information on using the toolkit, see: Linux* | Windows* | Containers

If you run into issues installing the tools, and would like to see the install logs (helpful for reporting issues) you can find them in %temp%\intel_oneapi_installer and %temp%\dd_VSIXInstaller_.log for Windows* Host and /tmp//intel_oneapi_installer/ for Linux* Host.

Product Versions

The following table outlines which version of the individual components are present in the latest version of Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit.

Component Version
Intel® DPC/C++ Compiler 2022.2.0
Intel® C++ Compiler Classic 2022.2.0
Intel® Inspector 2022.3.0

Known Issues and Workarounds

  1. Issue: When a user installs oneAPI BaseKit 2022.1.3 over oneAPI BaseKit 2022.1.2 with VS2022 version 17.1.x installed, the installer updates and does not crash. But some components of BaseKit 2022.1.2 are not removed during the update process.

    Deinstall all Visual Studio instances.
    Deinstall oneAPI BaseKit 2022.1.2.
    Reinstall Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1.x.
    Install BaseKit 2022.1.3.

  2. On Microsoft* Windows*, the installation of Intel oneAPI Toolkits versions 2022.1 and 2022.1.2 and standalone components will fail using Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2022 version 17.1.x. There are 2 possible workarounds, prior to installing an Intel oneAPI toolkit or component:
    • Uninstall Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1.x and install the older version 17.0.6 from here Visual Studio 2022 Release History | Microsoft Docs.
    • Replace Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll with same dll from a Visual Studi0 2022 17.0.x release. For example, from version 17.0.6
    • We are striving to provide a new release in the weeks ahead to address this installation issue.
  3. System OS Known Issues
    1. ​When installing Rocky Linux using the YUM repository or the binary package, the installer prints an unsupported OS warning message.  That can be safely ignored for this release.
    2. For best support users of Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS whose applications offload to Intel GPUs are encourage to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.4 LTS.
  4. For customers who installed Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1.2 and applied the workaround described in Known Issues and Limitations section of Release Notes for that release:
    1. Install Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit 2022.1.2 and remove previously applied workaround that was documented in the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit Release Notes.

See the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit Release Notes for additional details and issues common to multiple toolkits.
If you have any questions and have paid for Priority Support, create a case at Online Service Center. Otherwise, post a message on the Intel oneAPI Registration Forum.

Previous oneAPI Release Notes

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