What's New in Intel® Media Server Studio Professional 2018 R2

ID 标签 687837
已更新 2/27/2019
版本 Latest



We are pleased to announce the release of Intel® Media Server Studio Professional Edition 2018 R2.

The release includes following new feature

  • Enabled FEI for HEVC Encoder: Flexible Encode Infrastructure (FEI) is an extension of Intel® Media SDK intended for direct access to hardware media processing pipeline. It has been working on H.264 encoder and we have enabled it for HEVC encoder from this release.
  • Multi Frame Encoding (MFE) for AVC: this feature allows multiple frames running on hardware encoder at the same time, these parallel operation shares the internal resources and removes the stalled cycle so the overall encoder performance is improved.
  • HEVC legacy Level 5.0 support: The features of the legacy level 5.0 were fully checked and validated including the interlaced video support and .
  • HEVC legacy MaxPicWidth support to enable correctly encoding up to 2160p resolution.
  • Rounding Offset Control: this features Customizes rounding offset control for encoding quantization of H.264 encoder; both library and sample were updated.
  • Horizontal mirroring: This feature enables our video processing component to mirror the input the image at the output.
  • Fixed the critical issues related to FEI, MFE and HEVC legacy support.