Accelerate Smart Vision Deployments with Scalable Industrial Ready Kits
As the demand for intelligent vision solutions grows, the need for intelligent software and video to enable the efforts also expands. New developer tools must integrate computer vision, deep learning, and analytics processing capabilities into applications to help translate data into impactful insights.
To meet these needs, Intel has collaborated with IEI* Integration Corporation and AAEON* to provide two vision accelerator developer kits to jump-start smart vision deployments. The kits’ objectives are to expedite the path to production and enable scalable designs.
For broad, smart vision deployments, the IEI TANK AIoT Development Kit is configured for rapid path to market. With the 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i5-6500TE processor, the system allows for scale support of complex and parallel video streams through CPU and GPU hardware acceleration. It has multiple integrated inputs/outputs and PCI* expandability for hardware accelerator cards. The entire system uses a fanless design and is rated for a temperature range of -20⁰C to 60⁰C, to support deployment in rugged environments.
The UP* Squared AI Vision Development Kit by AAEON is an entry-level kit ideal for conceptualization and early development. This kit enables developers to explore deep learning inference across the Intel Atom® x7 processor (CPU) and the integrated GPU. It also includes a semi-industrial camera and chassis to validate designs in the field.
Both kits come fully configured with the OpenVINO™ toolkit, a new SDK designed to help developers build high-performance computer vision applications and integrate deep learning inference.. For flexibility, developers can go to production and optimize performance using Intel® System Studio tool suite, or prototype with the cloud-based Arduino* Create IDE. This software is included on a pre-installed custom Ubuntu* Desktop OS configured to allow for computer vision development out of the box.
Kits are available for pre-order on each manufacturer’s website:
UP Squared AI Vision Development Kit
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