Memorable Persistent Memory Articles from Intel for June

ID 标签 658545
已更新 6/14/2018
版本 Latest



C++ Extensions

C++ Extensions for Persistent Memory Programming

This technical article provides more details about the Persistent Memory Developer Kit (PMDK) and the C++ API (application programming interface) for the libpmemobj library.

Validation Methodology

Validation Methodology for Libraries in the Persistent Memory Developer Kit

This video discusses the performance, benchmarking, system validation, and other testing methodologies that Intel is using to ensure the most accurate user experience with the Persistent Memory Developer Kit (PMDK) libraries

Persistent Memory Development Kit (PMDK)

Create a Persistent Memory-Aware Queue Using the Persistent Memory Development Kit (PMDK)

Create a simple implementation of a PMEM-aware queue using the C++ bindings of the PMDK library libpmemobj.