Get Started with Intel MLPerf Inference Submission with Intel Optimized Docker Images

ID 标签 771895
已更新 9/3/2024
版本 v4.1



Get Started with Intel MLPerf v4.1 Inference Submission with Intel Optimized Docker Images

MLPerf is a benchmark for measuring the performance of machine learning systems. It provides a set of performance metrics for a variety of machine learning tasks, including image classification, object detection, machine translation, and others. The benchmark is representative of real-world workloads and as a fair and useful way to compare the performance of different machine learning systems.

In this document, we'll show how to run Intel MLPerf v4.1 submission with Intel optimized Docker images and the prepared scripts.

Verified HW configuration:

System Info Configuration detail
CPU Intel 5th gen Xeon scalable server processor (EMR)
Memory 1024GB (16x64GB 5600MT/s [5600MT/s])
Disk 1TB NVMe

BIOS settings:

BIOS setting Recommended value
Hyperthreading Enabled
Turbo Boost Enabled
Core Prefetchers Hardware,Adjacent Cache,DCU Streamer,DCU IP
LLC Prefetch Disable
CPU Power and Perf Policy Performance
NUMA-based Cluster SNC2
Hardware P State Native (based on OS guidance)
Energy Perf Bias OS Controls EPB
Energy Efficient Turbo Disabled

Verified OS configurations:

System Info Configuration detail
OS CentOS Stream 8
Kernel 6.6.8-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64

Check System Health Using Intel® System Health Inspector:

Intel® System Health Inspector (aka svr-info) is a Linux OS utility for assessing the state and health of Intel Xeon computers. It is suggested to use svr-info first to check any system configuration issue before running any benchmark. Follow the Quick Start Guide for downloading and installation. The following are several key factors effecting the model performance.

CPU Couple CPU features impact MLPerf performance via related BIOS knobs, so please double check the CPU features with your BIOS knobs. Some important CPU features are Hyperthreading, number of NUMA nodes, Prefetchers and Intel Turbo Boost.

Please also check your CPU tempertures. The CPU temperture should not be higher than 50 degrees C.
Overheating will drop the CPU frequency and degrade the MLPerf performance.

Memory One important system configuration is balanced DIMM population, which is suggested to set as balanced to get optimized performance.
Populate as many channels per socket as possible prior to adding additional DIMMs to the channel.
It might impact the memory bandwidth if two dimm share one channel.

Please also refer to Chapter 4 in Eagle Stream Platform Performance & Power Optimization Guide for more details.

From the results of svr-info, an example of unbalanced DIMM population is shown as follows,

An exmaple of Balanced DIMM population is shown as follows,

You should also see good numbers for memory NUMA bandwidth if you also benchmark memory via svr-info.
Here are some reference numbers from a 2S SPR system.

Power We recommend the intel_pstate Frequency Driver.
For best performance, set the Frequency Governor and Power and Perf Policy to performance.
Here are related recommended power settings from svr-info.

Running Models with Intel Optimized Docker Image

Set Directories

Set the directories on the host system where model, dataset, and log files will reside. These locations will retain model and data content between Docker sessions.

export DATA_DIR=${PWD}/data
export MODEL_DIR=${PWD}/model
export LOG_DIR=${PWD}/logs

Launch the Docker Image

In the Host OS environment, run the following after setting the proper Docker image. If the Docker image is not on the system already, it will be retrieved from the registry. model={resnet50,gptj,retinanet,bert,3dunet,dlrmv2} If retrieving the model or dataset, ensure any necessary proxy settings are run inside the container.

export DOCKER_IMAGE="intel/intel-optimized-pytorch:mlperf-inference-4.1-<model>"
# Please choose <model> from model={resnet50,gptj,retinanet,bert,3dunet,dlrmv2}

docker run --privileged -it --rm \
        --ipc=host --net=host --cap-add=ALL \
        -e http_proxy=${http_proxy} \
        -e https_proxy=${https_proxy} \
        -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
        -v ${MODEL_DIR}:/model \
        -v ${LOG_DIR}:/logs \
        --workdir  /workspace \
        ${DOCKER_IMAGE} /bin/bash

Download the Model [one-time operation]

Run this step inside the Docker container. This is a one-time operation which will preserve the model on the host system using the volume mapping above.


Download the Dataset [one-time operation]

Run this step inside the Docker container. This is a one-time operation which will preserve the dataset on the host system using the volume mapping above.


Calibrate the Model [one-time operation]

Run this step inside the Docker container. This is a one-time operation, and the resulting calibrated model will be stored along with the original model file.


Run Benchmark

Select the appropriate scenario. If this is the first time running this workload, the original model file will be calibrated to INT8 (INT4 for GPT-J) and stored alongside the original model file (one-time operation).

SCENARIO=Offline ACCURACY=false bash
SCENARIO=Server  ACCURACY=false bash
SCENARIO=Offline ACCURACY=true  bash
SCENARIO=Server  ACCURACY=true  bash
# 3D-UNet workload does not have Server mode

You can also choose to run all benchmarks with one script.


Run Compliance Tests

NOTE: Please bypass this step for GPT-J model. Compliance tests are not required

Run this step inside the Docker container. After the benchmark scenarios have been run and results exist in {LOGDIR}/results, run this step to complete compliance runs. Compliance output will be found in '{LOGDIR}/compliance'.


After the compliance test, the logs will reside in /logs/compliance.

NOTE: If users want to use previous benchmark results for compliance test, please put the previous results under /logs/results/${SYSTEM}/${WORKLOAD}/${SCENARIO},e.g., "/logs/results/1-node-2S-EMR-PyTorch/resnet50/" for resnet50), inside the docker container before running The workload must match the name of the code folder for that particular model i.e. "3d-unet-99.9", not just "3d-unet".

Create Submission Content

Run this step inside the Docker container. The following script will compile and structure the MLPerf Inference submission content into {LOG_DIR}, including 'code', 'calibration', 'measurements', and 'systems'. Ensure the system and measurement description files contained in '/workspace/descriptions' are correct and aligned with your institute before preceding. Optionally pass 'CLEAR_CONTENT=true' to delete any existing 'code', 'calibration', and 'measurements' content before populating.

# Ensure the correctness of '/workspace/descriptions/systems'.
# Ensure the correctness of '/workspace/descriptions/measurements'.

# [Optional] Alternatively, if you want to remove previously created contents:
# SYSTEMS_FILE=/logs/systems/1-node-2S-EMR-PyTorch.json CLEAR_CONTENT=true bash

Validate Submission Checker

For submissions only: There are several files you should modify before running the submission checker. Here are the changes:

  • In the systems folder, there is a JSON file. Change the following fields as needed: submitter, system_name, and hw_notes.
  • In default.conf, modify SYSTEM_DEFAULT as needed and ensure all paths in DEL_FILES_DEFAULT containers your company name rather than "OEM".
  • In, change VENDOR from "OEM" to your company name.

Run this step inside the Docker container. The following script will perform accuracy log truncation and run the submission checker on the contents of {LOGDIR}. The source scripts are distributed as MLPerf Inference reference tools. Ensure the submission content has been populated before running. The script output is transient and removed after running. The original content of ${LOGDIR} is not modified.


Previous MLPerf v4.0, v3.1 and v3.0 Inference Submission

Intel has participated in Mleprf submissions since the very beginning of the foundation of MLcommons. In December 2018 Intel published the first Mlperf training benchmark suite together with Goodle and Nvidia. So far, there have been more than 100 results were submitted on Xeon. This session will show how to run Intel MLPerf v4.0, v3.1 and v3.0 submission with Intel optimized Docker images.

Get Started with Intel MLPerf v4.0 Submission with Intel Optimized Docker Images

Get Started with Intel MLPerf v4.0 Submission with Intel Optimized Docker Images

MLPerf is a benchmark for measuring the performance of machine learning systems. It provides a set of performance metrics for a variety of machine learning tasks, including image classification, object detection, machine translation, and others. The benchmark is representative of real-world workloads and as a fair and useful way to compare the performance of different machine learning systems.

In this document, we'll show how to run Intel MLPerf v4.0 submission with Intel optimized Docker images and the automation scripts.

HW configuration:

System Info Configuration detail
CPU Intel 5th gen Xeon scalable server processor (EMR)
OS CentOS Stream 8
Kernel 6.6.8-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64
Memory 1024GB (16x64GB 5600MT/s [5600MT/s])
Disk 1TB NVMe

BIOS settings:

BIOS setting Recommended value
Hyperthreading Enabled
Turbo Boost Enabled
Core Prefetchers Hardware,Adjacent Cache,DCU Streamer,DCU IP
LLC Prefetch Disable
CPU Power and Perf Policy Performance
NUMA-based Cluster SNC2
Hardware P State Native (based on OS guidance)
Energy Perf Bias OS Controls EPB
Energy Efficient Turbo Disabled

Check System Health Using Intel® System Health Inspector:

Intel® System Health Inspector (aka svr-info) is a Linux OS utility for assessing the state and health of Intel Xeon computers. It is suggested to use svr-info first to check any system configuration issue before running any benchmark. Follow the Quick Start Guide for downloading and installation. The following are several key factors effecting the model performance.

CPU Couple CPU features impact MLPerf performance via related BIOS knobs, so please double check the CPU features with your BIOS knobs. Some important CPU features are Hyperthreading, number of NUMA nodes, Prefetchers and Intel Turbo Boost.

Please also check your CPU tempartures. The CPU temparture should not be higher than 50 degrees C.
Overheating will drop the CPU frequency and degrade the MLPerf performance.

Memory One important system configuration is balanced DIMM population, which is suggested to set as balanced to get optimized performance.
Populate as many channels per socket as possible prior to adding additional DIMMs to the channel.
It might impact the memory bandwidth if two dimm share one channel.

Please also refer to Chapter 4 in Eagle Stream Platform Performance & Power Optimization Guide for more details.

From the results of svr-info, an example of unbalanced DIMM population is shown as follows,

An exmaple of Balanced DIMM population is shown as follows,

You should also see good numbers for memory NUMA bandwidth if you also benchmark memory via svr-info.
Here are some reference numbers from a 2S SPR system.

Power We recommend the intel_pstate Frequency Driver.
For best performance, set the Frequency Governor and Power and Perf Policy to performance.
Here are related recommended power settings from svr-info.

Published Performance Numbers

All performance numbers are published in Here are submitted numbers on Intel 5th gen Xeon scalable server processor (EMR) from different organizations.

3d-unet-99.9 bert-99 dlrm-v2-99.9 gptj-99 resnet retinanet rnnt
Offline Offline Server Offline Server Offline Server Offline Server Offline Server Offline Server
Organization System Name (click + for details) Host Processor Core Count Processor Samples/s Samples/s Queries/s Samples/s Queries/s Samples/s Queries/s Samples/s Queries/s Samples/s Queries/s Samples/s Queries/s
Intel 1-node-2S-EMR-PyTorch 64 INTEL® XEON® PLATINUM 8592+ 2.02 1,668.50 1,318.51 9,111.08 8,993.63 3.61 1.64 25,289.60 19,807.20 371.08 274.28 8,679.48 5,797.60
Cisco 1-node-2S-C240M7-EMR-PyTorch-INT8 64 Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8592+ 1,693.17 1,318.51 2.39 1.03 25,704.90 19,807.20 389.26 303.84 8,904.66 5,797.60
Dell Dell PowerEdge R760 64 Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8592+ 1.95 1,701.39 1,318.51 9,239.74 8,993.63 2.37 1.03 25,016.00 19,807.20 382.64 299.00 8,745.76 5,797.60
QuantaCloudTechnology 1-node-2S-EMR-PyTorch-INT8 64 Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8592+ 2.04 1,660.75 1,288.54 9,245.77 8,193.78 2.29 1.03 25,173.00 23,198.70 379.78 279.30 8,463.18 5,797.60
Supermicro 1-node-2S-EMR-PyTorch-INT8 56 Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8592+ 1.97 24,146.00 19,807.20
Wiwynn Wiwynn ES200G2 (1-node-1S-EMR-PyTorch) 32 INTEL® XEON® GOLD 6538Y+ 0.67 467.94 328.85 0.64 0.26 7,402.87 4,951.10 109.10 61.23 2,195.42 1,448.78


Get Intel MLPerf 4.0 Inferece package from MLCOMMONS

Users could get the Intel MLPerf 4.0 Inferece package from hosted by MLCOMMONS.
Please follow below command to get the whole MLPerf 4.0 Inference package

git clone

The Intel MLPerf Inference package is under inferenceresultsv4.0/closed/Intel folder.
The model codes are under code folder, and we recommended users to use automation script to run all models.

Environment Setup for the automation scripts from Intel Inference package

We provides a kit to automate data ingestion, preprocessing, testing, log collection and submission checker. It requires the following software:

  • python 3.9/3.10, pip, docker, wget, unzip, rclone, miniconda3/anaconda3

Note that the following approaches are supported for installing dependencies:

  1. Install directly
  2. Install in a conda environment
  3. Install in a python virtual environment

For the option #2 and #3, you need to create the environment and activate it first before installation.

Install the dependencies by:

cd inference_results_v4.0/closed/Intel/code/automation
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If your servers are working behind network proxy, please ensure docker proxy and the following environment parameters are well configured:

  • httpproxy, HTTPPROXY, httpsproxy, HTTPSPROXY, noproxy, NOPROXY, ftpproxy, FTPPROXY, socksproxy, SOCKSPROXY

Downloading data and models by using automation scripts

First, go to automation folder to automate the data and model downloading.

cd inference_results_v4.0/closed/Intel/code/automation

Conda is required for downloading datasets and models. Please install Conda before proceeding. Once Conda is installed, you can download the datasets and models using the following commands:

model={resnet50,retinanet,rnnt,3d-unet,bert,gpt-j,dlrm_2,stable_diffusion,all} output_dir=<DATA_PATH> conda_path=<CONDA_ROOT_PATH> bash 


  • model: specify a model name, all means all models.
  • output_dir: the directory to persist data and model.
  • conda_path: optional, ${HOME}/miniconda3 by default, root path of your conda, used by 3d-unet, retinanet and gpt-j only.
  • dtype: optional, int8 by default, data preicision, currently unused

Download data for all models by using the following command:

model=all output_dir=<DATA_PATH> conda_path=<CONDA_ROOT_PATH> bash

For specific models, e.g. gpt-j, DLRMv2 and Stable Diffusion, Rclone is needed. If you don't have Rclone already installed, you can install it on Linux/MacOS with one simple command:

sudo -v ; curl | sudo bash  

For specific worload, e.g. gpt-j int4, use the following command:

model=gpt-j output_dir=<DATA_PATH> conda_path=<CONDA_ROOT_PATH> dtype=int4 bash  

Running Models by using automation scripts

First, go to automation folder to run models with scripts.

cd inference_results_v4.0/closed/Intel/code/automation

Customize your test by the following parameters:

DATA_DIR=<output_dir of>
OUTPUT_DIR=<The directory to save logs and results>
SUFFIX=<suffix to avoid duplicate container names>

Create output diretory if it does not exist:

mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}

Launch complete benchmark by using the following commands:

Benchmark Hardware Precision Command
3d-unet-99.9 CPU int8 python3 -n 3d-unet-99.9 -d ${DATA_DIR} -m ${DATA_DIR} -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX}
bert-99 CPU int8 python3 -n bert-99 -d ${DATA_DIR}/bert/dataset -m ${DATA_DIR}/bert/model -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX}
dlrm-v2-99.9 CPU int8 python3 -n dlrm-v2-99.9 -i pytorch-cpu-int8 -d ${DATA_DIR}/dlrm_2/data -m ${DATA_DIR}/dlrm_2/model -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX}
gptj-99 CPU int4 python3 -n gptj-99 -d ${DATA_DIR}/gpt-j/data -m ${DATA_DIR}/gpt-j/data -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -y int4 -x ${SUFFIX}
rnnt CPU mix python3 -n rnnt -d ${DATA_DIR}/rnnt/mlperf-rnnt-librispeech -m ${DATA_DIR}/rnnt/mlperf-rnnt-librispeech -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -y mix -x ${SUFFIX}
resnet50 CPU int8 python3 -n resnet50 -d ${DATA_DIR}/resnet50 -m ${DATA_DIR}/resnet50 -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX}
retinanet CPU int8 python3 -n retinanet -d ${DATA_DIR}/retinanet/data -m ${DATA_DIR}/retinanet/data -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX}

More options to customize your tests:

usage: [-h] -n {rnnt,bert-99,3d-unet-99.9,resnet50,retinanet,dlrm-v2-99.9}
              [-i IMPLEMENTATION] [-y {int8,bf16,fp16,int4,fp32,mix}] -d DATASET -m MODEL_DIR
              -t OUTPUT -x CONTAINER_NAME_SUFFIX [-p] [-a] [-o] [-s] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-z]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n {rnnt,bert-99,3d-unet-99.9,resnet50,retinanet,dlrm-v2-99.9}, --model {rnnt,bert-99,3d-unet-99.9,resnet50,retinanet,dlrm-v2-99.9}
                        Benchmarking model
                        Implementation id
  -y {int8,bf16,fp16,int4,fp32,mix}, --dtype {int8,bf16,fp16,int4,fp32,mix}
  -d DATASET, --dataset-dir DATASET_DIR
                        path of the datasets
  -m MODEL_DIR, --model-dir MODEL_DIR
                        path of the models
  -t OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        path of the outputs
                        The suffix of docker container name, used for avoiding name conflicts.
  -p, --performance-only
                        The option of running performance test only.
  -a, --accuracy-only   The option of running accuracy test only.
  -o, --offline-only    The option of running offline scenario only.
  -s, --server-only     The option of running server scenario only.
  -c, --compliance-only
                        The option of running compliance test only.
  -b, --skip-docker-build
                        The option of skipping building docker image.
  -u, --skip-create-container
                        The option of skipping docker build and container creation.  
  -r, --skip-data-preprocess
                        The option of skipping data preprocessing.
  -z, --ci-run
                        The option of running ci testings

To save time, rerun a benchmark directly within a running container without rebuilding the Docker image, creating the container and data preprocessing. For example, to rerun the bert-99 benchmark, use this command:

python3 -n bert-99 -d ${DATA_DIR}/bert/dataset -m ${DATA_DIR}/bert/model -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX} -u -r

You can run a specific test of a benchmark in a specific mode. E.g. run bert-99 accuracy test at Offline mode by using the following command:

python3 -n bert-99 -d ${DATA_DIR}/bert/dataset -m ${DATA_DIR}/bert/model -t ${OUTPUT_DIR} -x ${SUFFIX} -o -a

Test outputs

  • Runtime log: mlperf.log
  • Preprocessing log: ${OUTPUT_DIR}/preproc_<benchmark>_<implementation>_<precision>.log
  • Results of Performance/Accuracy run: ${OUTPUT_DIR}/<division>/Intel/results/<system_desc_id>/<benchmark>/<scenario>
  • Results of compliance test: ${OUTPUT_DIR}/<division>/Intel/compliance/<system_desc_id>/<benchmark>/<scenario>/<test_id>
  • Measurments: ${OUTPUT_DIR}/<division>/Intel/measurements/<system_desc_id>/<benchmark>/<scenario>
  • Runtime environment: ${OUTPUT_DIR}/env_<benchmark>_<impl>_<dtype>.log

Performing Submission Checker

  1. Create ${OUTPUT_DIR}/<division>/<orgnization>/systems directory, and within it, create the <system_desc_id>.json and <system_desc_id>_<implementation_id>_<scenario>.json files according to submission rules.
  2. Perform submission checker by running:
cd inference_results_v4.0/closed/Intel/code/automation
export TRUNCATED_OUTPUT_DIR=<a new directory to save truncated logs>

Please make sure you have read permission of ${OUTPUT_DIR}, and r/w permission for ${TRUNCATED_OUTPUT_DIR} and /tmp

Trouble Shooting

TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'status'

Solution: start docker serivce before launching the kit.

Performance regaresssion due to "Round Robin" MADT core enumeration Round Robin Scheduling
Solution: change "Round Robin" scheduling to "Linear"

Get Started with Intel MLPerf v3.1 Submission with Intel Optimized Docker Images

Get the latest MLPerf 3.1 release

MLPerf is a benchmark for measuring the performance of machine learning systems. It provides a set of performance metrics for a variety of machine learning tasks, including image classification, object detection, machine translation, and others. The benchmark is representative of real-world workloads and as a fair and useful way to compare the performance of different machine learning systems.

In this document, we'll show how to use the publicly accessible codes and scritps on GitHub, which was published by Mlcommons, to run Intel MLPerf v3.1 submission with Intel optimized Docker images. The following contents will refer to this GitHub repository as .

Intel Docker Images for MLPerf

The Intel optimized Docker images for MLPerf v3.1 can be built using the Dockerfiles. Example for building docker image with Dockerfile:

Notice : please contact or to get the latest patches for Intel mlperf inference release from mlcomm github repo

# Get the mlperf v3.1 workloads scritps from GitHub
git clone

# Get the latest patch from Intel to update Dockerfiles
git am 0001-update-dockerfiles-from-4.0-version.patch

# Use resnet50 docker build as an example to build all docker images
cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu/docker/

HW configuration:

System Info Configuration detail
OS CentOS Stream 8
Kernel 6.1.11-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64
Memory 1024GB (16x64GB 4800MT/s [4800MT/s])
Disk 1TB NVMe

Recommmended BIOS Knobs:

BIOS Knobs Recommended Value
Hyperthreading Enabled
Turbo Boost Enabled
Core Prefetchers Hardware,Adjacent Cache,DCU Streamer,DCU IP
LLC Prefetch Disable
CPU Power and Perf Policy Performance
NUMA-based Cluster Disabled
Energy Perf Bias Performance
Energy Efficient Turbo Disabled

Please also refer to Eagle Stream Platform Performance & Power Optimization Guide for more details.

Check System Health Using Intel® System Health Inspector:

Intel® System Health Inspector (aka svr-info) is a Linux OS utility for assessing the state and health of Intel Xeon computers. It is suggested to use svr-info first to check any system configuration issue before running any benchmark. Follow the Quick Start Guide for downloading and installation. The following are several key factors effecting the model performance.

CPU Couple CPU features impact MLPerf performance via related BIOS knobs, so please double check the CPU features with your BIOS knobs. Some important CPU features are Hyperthreading, number of NUMA nodes, Prefetchers and Intel Turbo Boost.


Memory One important system configuration is balanced DIMM population, which is suggested to set as balanced to get optimized performance.
Populate as many channels per socket as possible prior to adding additional DIMMs to the channel.
It might impact the memory bandwidth if two dimm share one channel.

Please also refer to Chapter 4 in Eagle Stream Platform Performance & Power Optimization Guide for more details.

From the results of svr-info, an example of unbalanced DIMM population is shown as follows,


An exmaple of Balanced DIMM population is shown as follows,


You should also see good numbers for memory NUMA bandwidth if you also benchmark memory via svr-info.
Here are some reference numbers from a 2S SPR system.


Power We recommend the intel_pstate Frequency Driver.
For best performance, set the Frequency Governor and Power and Perf Policy to performance.
Here are related recommended power settings from svr-info.


Best Known Configurations:

sudo bash

Known Issues

"Too many open files" error If users see "Too many open files" error while they build the docker image, the system configuratoin for the max number of open file might be too small.

Users could check the current setting by below command.

sysctl -r fs.file-max

If users see a small value like 10000, users could set a large value such as 980000 by below command.

sysctl -w fs.file-max=980000

Benchmarking using automation scripts

For your convinience, we prepare a set of automation scritps to help you download data, create docker, do data and model preprocessing, run accuracy, performance and compliance test in a batch. Please refer to ./automation/ for details about the usage. Example on for using automation scripts:

# Get the mlperf v3.1 workloads scritps from GitHub
git clone

# Go to directory of automation scripts
cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/automation/

# Download dataset
bash <model> <location>
# <model> can be resnet50, retinanet, rnnt, 3d-unet-99.9, bert-99, gptj-99, or dlrm2-99.9
# <location> is where you save the data, which can be /data/mlperf_data

# Test model performance
PerformanceOnly="True" bash <model> <location>

# Test model Auccuracy
# Suppose you have done running the performance test workload, you can skip launching docker container and processing the data
Skip_docker_build="True" Skip_data_proprocess="True" AccuracyOnly="True" bash <model> <location>

For more details, please refer to the instructions in

If you prefer to understand what the automation scripts do for you, we also provide instructions on how to run model performance/accuracy benchmarking step-by-step in the following sections.

Running models step-by-step

In the following sections, we'll show you how to set up and run each of the seven models:

Note: All the codes and scripts are publicly accissible and can be downloaded from GitHub. The following sessions will refer this GitHub repository as .

Get started with DLRM2


If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for DLRM using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/dlrm-99.9/pytorch-cpu-int8/docker
# Please firstly refer to the prerequisite file in the current directory to download the compiler before building the Docker image. 


Use these commands to prepare the Deep Learning Recommendation Model (DLRM) dataset and model on your host system:

cd /data/   # or path to where you want to store the data
mkdir -p /data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/model/bf16
mkdir -p /data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/data_npy

# Prepare DLRM dataset
# Create a directory (such as /data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/data_npy) which contain:
#        day_23_dense.npy
#     day_23_sparse_multi_hot.npz
#     day_23_labels.npy
# Learn how to get the dataset from:

# Prepare pre-trained DLRM model
cd /data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/model/bf16

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/dlrm-99.9/pytorch-cpu/
export MODEL_DIR=/data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/model/bf16

# dump model from snapshot to torch

Note: wget commands use IPv6 by default, if your system uses IPv4, please add -4 option into the wget command to force it to use IPv4.

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we pulled earlier. Replace /path/of/dlrm with the dlrm folder path created earlier (/data/dlrm for example):

docker run --name intel_inference_dlrm_int8 --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host \
  -v /path/of/dlrm:/data/dlrm_2_dataset mlperf_inference_dlrm2:3.1

Login to Docker Container

Login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance.

docker exec -it intel_inference_dlrm_int8 bash

Preprocess model and dataset

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Calibrate and dump int8 model

cd /opt/workdir/code/dlrm2-99.9/pytorch-cpu-int8
bash ./

Note: runcalibration script does not need to finish, once you see rocauc output you can ctrl+z to stop

Export model and dataset directory

# export model directory to saved model path
export MODEL_DIR=/data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/model/bf16

# export dataset directory to saved dataset path where .npy .npz are stored.
export DATA_DIR=/data/mlperf_data/dlrm_2/data_npy

Run the Benchmark

# offline performance
bash offline int8                   

# offline accuracy
bash offline accuracy int8              

# server performance
bash server int8

# server accuracy
bash server accuracy int8    

Get Started with GPT-J


Download and Prepare Dataset

export WORKLOAD_DATA=/data/mlperf_data/gpt-j
mkdir -p ${WORKLOAD_DATA}
  • Download cnn-dailymail calibration set
cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/gptj-99/pytorch-cpu/
python --calibration-list-file calibration-list.txt --output-dir ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/calibration-data
  • Download cnn-dailymail validation set
python --split validation --output-dir ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/validation-data

Download and prepare model

  • Get finetuned checkpoint
wget -O
mv gpt-j/checkpoint-final/ ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}

Note: wget commands use IPv6 by default, if your system uses IPv4, please add -4 option into the wget command to force it to use IPv4.

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for GPT-J using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/gptj-99/pytorch-cpu/docker

docker run --name intel_gptj --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host -v ${WORKLOAD_DATA}:/opt/workdir/code/gptj-99/pytorch-cpu/data mlperf_inference_gptj:3.1
docker exec -it intel_gptj bash

cd code/gptj-99/pytorch-cpu

Generate quantized INT8 model


Run Benchmarks

  • Offline (Performance)
  • Offline (Accuracy)
  • Server (Performance)
  • Server (Accuracy)

Get Started with 3DUNET


If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for 3DUNET using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/3d-unet-99.9/pytorch-cpu/docker


Use these commands to prepare the 3DUNET dataset and model on your host system:

mkdir 3dunet
cd 3dunet
git clone
cd kits19
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m starter_code.get_imaging
cd ..

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance and preprocess the data.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we pulled earlier. Replace /path/of/3dunet with the 3dunet folder path created earlier:

docker run --name intel_3dunet --privileged -itd -v /path/to/3dunet:/root/mlperf_data/3dunet-kits --net=host --ipc=host mlperf_inference_3dunet:3.1

Login to Docker Instance

Login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance.

docker exec -it intel_3dunet bash

Preprocess Data

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Preprocess the data and download the model using the provided script:

cd code/3d-unet-99.9/pytorch-cpu/

Run the Benchmark

# 3dunet only has offline mode
bash perf # offline performance
bash acc  # offline accuracy

Get the Results

  • Check log file. Performance results are in ./output/mlperf_log_summary.txt. Verify that you see results is: valid.

  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:

  • Accuracy results are in ./output/accuracy.txt. Check the field mean =.

  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in user.conf file. The scripts will automatically select userdefault.conf file to calculate corresponding "targetqps" according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding user.conf files.

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get started with BERT


The docker container can be created either by building it using the Dockerfile or pulling the image from Dockerhub (if available).

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build and run the Intel optimized Docker image for BERT using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/bert-99/pytorch-cpu/docker/



Use these commands to prepare the BERT dataset and model on your host system:

cd /data/mlperf_data   # or path to where you want to store the data
mkdir bert
cd bert
mkdir dataset
wget -O dataset/dev-v1.1.json
git clone model
cd model
wget -O pytorch_model.bin

Note: wget commands use IPv6 by default, if your system uses IPv4, please add -4 option into the wget command to force it to use IPv4.

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance and preprocess the data.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we pulled or built earlier. Replace /path/of/bert with the bert folder path created earlier (i.e. /data/mlperf_data/bert):

docker run --name bert_3-1 --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host -v /path/of/bert:/data/mlperf_data/bert <bert docker image ID>

Login to Docker Instance

Login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance.

docker exec -it bert_3-1 bash

Convert Dataset and Model

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"
cd code/bert-99/pytorch-cpu
export DATA_PATH=/data/mlperf_data/bert

Run the Benchmark

bash                    #offline performance
bash --accuracy         #offline accuracy
bash             #server performance
bash --accuracy  #server accuracy

Get the Results

Check the performance log file ./test_log/mlperf_log_summary.txt:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in user.conf file. The scripts will automatically select userdefault.conf file to calculate corresponding "targetqps" according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding user.conf files.

Check the accuracy log file ./test_log/accuracy.txt.

  • Check the field f1

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get Started with ResNet50


The docker container can be created either by building it using the Dockerfile or pulling the image from Dockerhub (if available). Please download the Imagenet dataset on the host system before starting the container.

Download Imagenet Dataset for Calibration

Download ImageNet (50000) dataset


Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build and run the Intel optimized Docker image for ResNet50 using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu/docker/


docker run -v </path/to/ILSVRC2012_img_val>:/opt/workdir/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu/ILSVRC2012_img_val -it --privileged <resnet docker image ID> /bin/bash

cd code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu

Prepare Calibration Dataset & Download Model ( Inside Container )

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Prepare calibration 500 images into folders


Download the model


The downloaded model will be saved as resnet50-fp32-model.pth

Quantize Torchscript Model and Check Accuracy

  • Set the following paths:
export DATA_CAL_DIR=calibration_dataset
export CHECKPOINT=resnet50-fp32-model.pth
  • Generate scales and models

The start and end parts of the model are also saved (respectively named) in models

Run Benchmark (Common for Docker & Baremetal)

export DATA_DIR=${PWD}/ILSVRC2012_img_val
export RN50_START=models/resnet50-start-int8-model.pth
export RN50_END=models/resnet50-end-int8-model.pth
export RN50_FULL=models/resnet50-full.pth


  • Offline
bash <batch_size>

Note: should be 8 or 256.

  • Server


  • Offline
bash <batch_size>
  • Server

Get the Results

Check the ./mlperf_log_summary.txt log file:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in user.conf file. The scripts will automatically select userdefault.conf file to calculate corresponding "targetqps" according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding user.conf files.

Check the ./offline_accuracy.txt or ./server_accuracy.txt log file:

  • Check the field accuracy

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get Started with Retinanet


The docker container can be created either by building it using the Dockerfile or pulling the image from Dockerhub (if available). Please download the Imagenet dataset on the host system before starting the container.

Download the dataset

  • Install dependencies (python3.9 or above)
pip3 install --upgrade pip --user
pip3 install opencv-python-headless== pycocotools==2.0.2 fiftyone==0.16.5
  • Setup env vars
export WORKLOAD_DATA=${CUR_DIR}/data
mkdir -p ${WORKLOAD_DATA}

export ENV_DEPS_DIR=${CUR_DIR}/retinanet-env
  • Download OpenImages (264) dataset
bash --dataset-path ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages

Images are downloaded to ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages

  • Download Calibration images
bash --dataset-path ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration

Calibration dataset downloaded to ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration

Download Model

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O 'retinanet-model.pth'
mv 'retinanet-model.pth' ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/

Note: wget commands use IPv6 by default, if your system uses IPv4, please add -4 option into the wget command to force it to use IPv4.

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build and run the Intel optimized Docker image for Retinanet using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/docker/


docker run --name intel_retinanet --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host -v ${WORKLOAD_DATA}:/opt/workdir/code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/data <resnet docker image ID> 

docker exec -it intel_retinanet bash 

cd code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/

Calibrate and generate torchscript model

Run Calibration

export WORKLOAD_DATA=${CUR_DIR}/data
export CALIBRATION_DATA_DIR=${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration/train/data
export MODEL_CHECKPOINT=${WORKLOAD_DATA}/retinanet-model.pth
export CALIBRATION_ANNOTATIONS=${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration/annotations/openimages-mlperf-calibration.json

Set Up Environment

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Export the environment settings


Run the Benchmark

# Run one of these performance or accuracy scripts at a time
# since the log files will be overwritten on each run

# for offline performance

# for server performance

# for offline accuracy

# for server accuracy

Get the results

Check the ./mlperf_log_summary.txt log file:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in user.conf file. The scripts will automatically select userdefault.conf file to calculate corresponding "targetqps" according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding user.conf files.

Check the ./accuracy.txt log file:

  • Check the field mAP

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get Started with RNNT


If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for RNNT using:

cd <THIS_REPO>/closed/Intel/code/rnnt/pytorch-cpu/docker/

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we built earlier.

docker run --name intel_rnnt --privileged -itd -v /data/mlperf_data:/data/mlperf_data --net=host --ipc=host mlperf_inference_rnnt:3.1

Login to Docker Container

Get the Docker container ID and login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance using docker exec.

docker ps -a #get container "id"
docker exec -it <id> bash
cd /opt/workdir/code/rnnt/pytorch-cpu
  • Setup env vars
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/workdir/code/rnnt/pytorch-cpu/third_party/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Run the Benchmark

The provided script abstracts the end-to-end process for RNNT:

0 Download model
1 Download dataset
2 Pre-process dataset
3 Calibration
4 Build model
5 Run Offline/Server accuracy & benchmark

Run with STAGE=0 to invoke all the steps requried to run the benchmark (i.e download the model & dataset, preprocess the data, calibrate and build the model):


or to skip to stage 5 without previous steps: Offline/Server accuracy and benchmark:


Get the Results

Check the appropriate offline or server performance log files, either ./logs/Server/performance/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt or ./logs/Offline/performance/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in user.conf file. The scripts will automatically select userdefault.conf file to calculate corresponding "targetqps" according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding user.conf files.

Check the appropriate offline or server accuracy log file, either ./logs/Server/accuracy/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt or ./logs/Offline/accuracy/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt:

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Check the appropriate offline or server accuracy log file, either ./logs/Server/accuracy/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt or ./logs/Offline/accuracy/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt:

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Complinace Test

To run compliance test please follow or use automation script introduced in next section.

Get Started with Intel MLPerf v3.0 Submission with Intel Optimized Docker Images

Get the latest MLPerf 3.0 release

Please follow the below commands to get the latest mlperf 3.0 release.

git clone
cd inference_results_v3.0
git am 0001-updates-for-3.0-submission.patch

Intel Docker Images for MLPerf

The Intel optimized Docker images for MLPerf v3.0 can be built using the Dockerfiles.
Please refer to "Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile" sub-section in each model section.

Example for building docker image with Dockerfile:

cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu/docker/


Validated HW configuration:

System Info Configuration detail
OS CentOS Stream 8
Kernel 6.1.11-1.el8.elrepo.x86_64
Memory 1024GB (16x64GB 4800MT/s [4800MT/s])
Disk 1TB NVMe

Recommmended BIOS Knobs:

BIOS Knobs Recommended Value
Hyperthreading Enabled
Turbo Boost Enabled
Core Prefetchers Hardware,Adjacent Cache,DCU Streamer,DCU IP
LLC Prefetch Disable
CPU Power and Perf Policy Performance
NUMA-based Cluster Disabled
Energy Perf Bias Performance
Energy Efficient Turbo Disabled

Please also refer to Eagle Stream Platform Performance & Power Optimization Guide for more details.

Check System Health Using Intel® System Health Inspector:

Intel® System Health Inspector (aka svr-info) is a Linux OS utility for assessing the state and health of Intel Xeon computers. It is suggested to use svr-info first to check any system configuration issue before running any benchmark. Follow the Quick Start Guide for downloading and installation. The following are several key factors effecting the model performance.

CPU Couple CPU features impact MLPerf performance via related BIOS knobs, so please double check the CPU features with your BIOS knobs. Some important CPU features are Hyperthreading, number of NUMA nodes, Prefetchers and Intel Turbo Boost.

Please also check your CPU tempartures. The CPU temparture should not be higher than 50 degrees C.
Overheating will drop the CPU frequency and degrade the MLPerf performance.

Memory One important system configuration is balanced DIMM population, which is suggested to set as balanced to get optimized performance.
Populate as many channels per socket as possible prior to adding additional DIMMs to the channel.
It might impact the memory bandwidth if two dimm share one channel.

Please also refer to Chapter 4 in Eagle Stream Platform Performance & Power Optimization Guide for more details.

From the results of svr-info, an example of unbalanced DIMM population is shown as follows,

An exmaple of Balanced DIMM population is shown as follows,

You should also see good numbers for memory NUMA bandwidth if you also benchmark memory via svr-info.
Here are some reference numbers from a 2S SPR system.

Power We recommend the intel_pstate Frequency Driver.
For best performance, set the Frequency Governor and Power and Perf Policy to performance.
Here are related recommended power settings from svr-info.

Best Known Configurations:

sudo bash

Running models:

In the following sections, we'll show you how to set up and run each of the six models:

Get Started with 3DUNET

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for 3DUNET using:

cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/3d-unet-99.9/pytorch-cpu/docker


Use these commands to prepare the 3DUNET dataset and model on your host system:

mkdir 3dunet
cd 3dunet
git clone
cd kits19
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m starter_code.get_imaging
cd ..

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance and preprocess the data.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we pulled earlier. Replace /path/of/3dunet with the 3dunet folder path created earlier:

docker run --name intel_3dunet --privileged -itd -v /path/to/3dunet:/root/mlperf_data/3dunet-kits --net=host --ipc=host mlperf_inference_3dunet:3.0

Login to Docker Instance

Login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance.

docker exec -it intel_3dunet bash

Preprocess Data

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Preprocess the data and download the model using the provided script:

pip install numpy==1.23.5
cd code/3d-unet-99.9/pytorch-cpu/

Run the Benchmark

# 3dunet only has offline mode
bash perf # offline performance
bash acc  # offline accuracy

Get the Results

  • Check log file. Performance results are in ./output/mlperf_log_summary.txt. Verify that you see results is: valid.

  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:

  • Accuracy results are in ./output/accuracy.txt. Check the field mean =.

  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in usersocket.conf file. The scripts will automatically select usersocket.conf file according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding usersocket.conf files.

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get started with BERT

The docker container can be created either by building it using the Dockerfile or pulling the image from Dockerhub (if available).

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build and run the Intel optimized Docker image for BERT using:

cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/bert-99/pytorch-cpu/docker/



Use these commands to prepare the BERT dataset and model on your host system:

cd /data/mlperf_data   # or path to where you want to store the data
mkdir bert
cd bert
mkdir dataset
wget -O dataset/dev-v1.1.json
git clone model
cd model
wget -O pytorch_model.bin

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance and preprocess the data.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we pulled or built earlier. Replace /path/of/bert with the bert folder path created earlier (i.e. /data/mlperf_data/bert):

docker run --name bert_3-0 --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host \
  -v /path/of/bert:/data/mlperf_data/bert <bert docker image ID>

Login to Docker Instance

Login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance.

docker exec -it bert_3-0 bash

Convert Dataset and Model

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"
cd code/bert-99/pytorch-cpu
export DATA_PATH=/data/mlperf_data/bert

Run the Benchmark

bash                    #offline performance
bash --accuracy         #offline accuracy
bash             #server performance
bash --accuracy  #server accuracy

Get the Results

Check the performance log file ./test_log/mlperf_log_summary.txt:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance results are controled by the value of "targetqps" in usersocket.conf file. The scripts will automatically select usersocket.conf file according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding usersocket.conf files.

Check the accuracy log file ./test_log/accuracy.txt.

  • Check the field f1

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get started with DLRM

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for DLRM using:

# Please get compiler first.
cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/dlrm-99.9

# Build docker image
cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/dlrm-99.9/pytorch-cpu/docker


Use these commands to prepare the Deep Learning Recommendation Model (DLRM) dataset and model on your host system:

cd /data/   # or path to where you want to store the data
mkdir -p /data/dlrm/model
mkdir -p /data/dlrm/terabyte_input

# download dataset
# Create a directory (such as /data/dlrm/terabyte_input) which contain:
#        day_fea_count.npz
#        terabyte_processed_test.bin
# Learn how to get the dataset from:
# You can also copy it using:
#     scp -r mlperf@* /data/dlrm/terabyte_input
# download model
# Create a directory (such as /data/dlrm/model):
cd /data/dlrm/model
wget -O dlrm_terabyte.pytorch

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we pulled earlier. Replace /path/of/dlrm with the dlrm folder path created earlier (/data/dlrm for example):

docker run --name intel_inference_dlrm --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host \
  -v /path/of/dlrm:/data/mlperf_data/raw_dlrm mlperf_inference_dlrm:3.0

Login to Docker Container

Login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance.

docker exec -it intel_inference_dlrm bash

Preprocess model and dataset

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"
cd /opt/workdir/code/dlrm/pytorch-cpu
export MODEL=/data/mlperf_data/raw_dlrm/model
export DATASET=/data/mlperf_data/raw_dlrm/terabyte_input
export DUMP_PATH=/data/mlperf_data/dlrm

Run the Benchmark

export MODEL_DIR=/data/mlperf_data/dlrm
export DATA_DIR=/data/mlperf_data/dlrm

bash runcppsut                     # offline performance
bash runcppsut accuracy               # offline accuracy
bash runcppsut performance server  # server performance
bash runcppsut accuracy server     # server accuracy

Get the Results

Check the appropriate offline or server performance log file, either ./output/PerformanceOnly/Offline/mlperf_log_summary.txt or ./output/PerformanceOnly/Server/mlperf_log_summary.txt:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in usersocket.conf file. The scripts will automatically select usersocket.conf file according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding usersocket.conf files.

Check the appropriate offline or server accuracy log file, either ./output/AccuracyOnly/Offline/accuracy.txt or ./output/AccuracyOnly/Server/accuracy.txt:

  • Check the field AUC

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get Started with ResNet50

The docker container can be created either by building it using the Dockerfile or pulling the image from Dockerhub (if available). Please download the Imagenet dataset on the host system before starting the container.

Download Imagenet Dataset for Calibration

Download ImageNet (50000) dataset


Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build and run the Intel optimized Docker image for ResNet50 using:

cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu/docker/


docker run -v </path/to/ILSVRC2012_img_val>:/opt/workdir/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu/ILSVRC2012_img_val -it --privileged <resnet docker image ID> /bin/bash

cd code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu

Prepare Calibration Dataset & Download Model ( Inside Container )

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Prepare calibration 500 images into folders

cd /opt/workdir/code/resnet50/pytorch-cpu

Download the model


The downloaded model will be saved as resnet50-fp32-model.pth

Quantize Torchscript Model and Check Accuracy

  • Set the following paths:
export DATA_CAL_DIR=calibration_dataset
export CHECKPOINT=resnet50-fp32-model.pth
  • Generate scales and models

The start and end parts of the model are also saved (respectively named) in models

Run Benchmark (Common for Docker & Baremetal)

export DATA_DIR=${PWD}/ILSVRC2012_img_val
export RN50_START=models/resnet50-start-int8-model.pth
export RN50_END=models/resnet50-end-int8-model.pth
export RN50_FULL=models/resnet50-full.pth


  • Offline
bash <batch_size>
  • Server


  • Offline
bash <batch_size>
  • Server

Get the Results

Check the ./mlperf_log_summary.txt log file:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in ./src/usersocket.conf file. The scripts will automatically select usersocket.conf file according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding usersocket.conf files.

Check the ./offline_accuracy.txt or ./server_accuracy.txt log file:

  • Check the field accuracy

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get Started with Retinanet

The docker container can be created either by building it using the Dockerfile or pulling the image from Dockerhub (if available). Please download the Imagenet dataset on the host system before starting the container.

Download the dataset

  • Install dependencies (python3.9 or above)
pip3 install --upgrade pip --user
pip3 install opencv-python-headless== pycocotools==clear2.0.2 fiftyone==0.16.5
  • Setup env vars
export WORKLOAD_DATA=${CUR_DIR}/data
mkdir -p ${WORKLOAD_DATA}

export ENV_DEPS_DIR=${CUR_DIR}/retinanet-env
  • Download OpenImages (264) dataset
bash --dataset-path ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages

Images are downloaded to ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages

  • Download Calibration images
bash --dataset-path ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration

Calibration dataset downloaded to ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration

Note: If you meet any obstacles on downloading the dataset, please try again in the docker container to be launched after [Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile](Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile).

Download Model

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O 'retinanet-model.pth'
mv 'retinanet-model.pth' ${WORKLOAD_DATA}/

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build and run the Intel optimized Docker image for Retinanet using:

cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/docker/


docker run --name intel_retinanet --privileged -itd --net=host --ipc=host -v ${WORKLOAD_DATA}:/opt/workdir/code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/data <retinanet docker image ID> 

docker exec -it intel_retinanet bash 

cd code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/

Calibrate and generate torchscript model

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Run Calibration

export WORKLOAD_DATA=${CUR_DIR}/data
export CALIBRATION_DATA_DIR=${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration/train/data
export MODEL_CHECKPOINT=${WORKLOAD_DATA}/retinanet-model.pth
export CALIBRATION_ANNOTATIONS=${WORKLOAD_DATA}/openimages-calibration/annotations/openimages-mlperf-calibration.json

cd /opt/workdir/code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu/retinanet-env/vision
git checkout 8e078971b8aebdeb1746fea58851e3754f103053
python install && python develop

cd /opt/workdir/code/retinanet/pytorch-cpu

Set Up Environment

Export the environment settings


Run the Benchmark

# Run one of these performance or accuracy scripts at a time
# since the log files will be overwritten on each run

# for offline performance

# for server performance

# for offline accuracy

# for server accuracy

Get the results

Check the ./mlperf_log_summary.txt log file:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in usersocket.conf file. The scripts will automatically select usersocket.conf file according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding usersocket.conf files.

Check the ./accuracy.txt log file:

  • Check the field mAP

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.

Get Started with RNNT

Build & Run Docker container from Dockerfile

If you haven't already done so, build the Intel optimized Docker image for RNNT using:

cd inference_results_v3.0/closed/Intel/code/rnnt/pytorch-cpu/docker/

Set Up Environment

Follow these steps to set up the docker instance.

Start a Container

Use docker run to start a container with the optimized Docker image we built earlier.

docker run --name intel_rnnt --privileged -itd -v /data/mlperf_data:/data/mlperf_data \
--net=host --ipc=host mlperf_inference_rnnt:3.0

Login to Docker Container

Get the Docker container ID and login into a bashrc shell in the Docker instance using docker exec.

docker ps -a #get container "id"
docker exec -it <id> bash
cd /opt/workdir/code/rnnt/pytorch-cpu
  • Setup env vars
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/workdir/code/rnnt/pytorch-cpu/third_party/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you need a proxy to access the internet, replace your host proxy with the proxy server for your environment. If no proxy is needed, you can skip this step:

export http_proxy="your host proxy"
export https_proxy="your host proxy"

Run the Benchmark

The provided script abstracts the end-to-end process for RNNT:

0 Download model
1 Download dataset
2 Pre-process dataset
3 Calibration
4 Build model
5 Run Offline/Server accuracy & benchmark

Run with STAGE=0 to invoke all the steps requried to run the benchmark (i.e download the model & dataset, preprocess the data, calibrate and build the model):


or to skip to stage 5 without previous steps: Offline/Server accuracy and benchmark:


Get the Results

Check the appropriate offline or server performance log files, either ./logs/Server/performance/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt or ./logs/Offline/performance/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt:

  • Verify you see results is: valid.
  • For offline mode performance, check the field Samples per second:
  • For server mode performance, check the field Scheduled samples per second:
  • The performance result is controled by the value of "targetqps" in ./configs/usersocket.conf file. The scripts will automatically select usersocket.conf file according to the number of sockets on customer's platform. Customers can also manully change the value of "targetqps" in corresponding usersocket.conf files.

Check the appropriate offline or server accuracy log file, either ./logs/Server/accuracy/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt or ./logs/Offline/accuracy/.../mlperf_log_summary.txt:

Save these output log files elsewhere when each test is completed as they will be overwritten by the next test.


To the extent that any data, datasets, or models are referenced by Intel or accessed using tools or code on this site such data, datasets and models are provided by the third party indicated as the source of such content. Intel does not create the data, datasets, or models, provide a license to any third-party data, datasets, or models referenced, and does not warrant their accuracy or quality. By accessing such data, dataset(s) or model(s) you agree to the terms associated with that content and that your use complies with the applicable license.

Intel expressly disclaims the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any data, datasets or models, and is not liable for any errors, omissions, or defects in such content, or for any reliance thereon. Intel also expressly disclaims any warranty of non-infringement with respect to such data, dataset(s), or model(s). Intel is not liable for any liability or damages relating to your use of such data, datasets, or models.