Intel® Black Belt Software Developers, Intel® Software Innovators, & Intel® Student Ambassadors: Q2 2018

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已更新 7/17/2018
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Intel® Developers and Innovators were busy over the last quarter! Here’s an update on what the Intel® Software Innovators, Intel® Black Belt Software Developers, and Intel® Student Ambassadors were up to around the globe.

Black Belt Spotlight

Abhishek Nandy trained over 1,000 developers at events across India including Intel® AI Fest at BIT Mesra, Intel® India DevCon, Microsoft* Azure Bootcamp, and AI & IoT workshops. Justin Link shared his ideas at the Orlando VR Meetup. Gregor Biswanger showed off his work to roughly 800 developers in Germany at Conference Developer Week 2018 as speaker and track-chair. André Carlucci demoed Smart Mirror to over 2,000 on the AI track at TheDevConf  and also did Intel® IA Meetup sessions of nearly 500. Gaston Hillar put on both a training and a booth at Power Up IoT Projects in Argentina and Uruguay. 

Marco Dal Pino showed off his work at Intel® IoT Alliance Workshops and participated in the “Ask the Expert” at Codemotion in Rome, as well as spoke at Build 2018 and Community Days Italy among other events and Massimo Bonanni joined him in talks at several of the events. 

Thomas Endres traveled to Germany and the Netherlands to demonstrate his work to nearly 1,000 developers at events including Goto Meeting, TEQnation, Munich Robotics Meetup, CodeMotion Amsterdam and four different topics at Big TechDay including Machine Learning on Source Code, AI art filter talk, ParrotAttacks VR talk and Showcases.  Martin Foertsch presented his work over three days in Germany at DWX Developer Week Mixed Reality Showcase Booth and talks.

Innovator Spotlight

Asia Pacific

Adam Ardisasmita gave a talks on “Time to Future” at Telkom University, Gubufest Politeknik Elektronika Negeri and Game Dev Bandung.  Avirup Basu and Raja Nand Sharma bestowed their knowledge at Developer Weekend in India, training hundreds.  Frida Dwi Iswantoro spoke on virtual reality at Bekraf Developer Day 2018 in Jayapura.  Manisha Biswas was involved in talks and a booth through three separate sessions at the Intel® IoT Alliance Workshop in India.

Siddhant Agarwal presented at International Women's Day Celebrations by GDG and WTM New Delhi and a fireside chat on Building a WOW Product.  Shriram K Vasudevan made a presentation concerning AI at Keynote Session - IoT and Its Real Time Applications in India.  Sourav Lahoti hosted a webinar and workshop for both events Intel® IoT with AWS and Intel® IoT with Google Cloud Platdorm in India.  Sunny Patel spoke at the event Leadership in Energy Innovation, Blockchain, and Sustainability in Thailand.

South America

Paulo Pinheiro gave an interview at JLABS @TMC for the HealthMakers Show.  Pedro Kayatt trained nearly 1,000 at events throughout Brazil including Chance Glasco no Inovabra, The Developers Conference 2018, Meetup Sao Paulo Realidade Virtual, Escola e Profissões (POLI-USP) and Festival Path 2018.

North America

 R. Michael Pickering displayed demos at York University’s VISTA Innovation & Technology Day and Canadian Tire Pitch Day in addition to A Day of Code Tutorial Series workshop hosted at Saint Mary Immaculate Catholic School.  Alex Schuster showed off his work at a booth for the Indie Game Party at Anime Central.  Paul Langdon hosted the monthly meetup in Hartford, Connecticut to chat about AI. Ritik Patnaik displayed his skills at the 2018 Bay Area Maker Faire.  Anthony Chow gave a presentation on his findings at South Carolina’s Opensource 101.

Bob Raphtone Afwata completed workshops on the Stathmore IoT Series and Tensor Flow Hands on Bootcamp with Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick (NCS), on top of the Banda Space IoT, Intel OpenVino and Machine Learning Monthly meet ups. Ron Evans showcased his work at a variety of events including a "Computer Vision Using Go" talk at Gothamgo conference, Go Time podcast interview and post on Hackday featuring blog post:  "Hacking Drones Using Go.”  Mohamed Elgendy presented Aero Drone Demo in New York at O'Reilly AI Conference.  Alex Porter spoke on Gaming for two different sessions at ATXRHACK in Texas.

Daniel Whitenack presented his work at DataEngConf Talk, QCon NYC Workshop and QCon AI Workshop, then flew to Denmark to present his notions at the KubeCon EU Talk and Panel Discussion.  Steve Favis hosted a booth at TechCrunch and gave sessions at the AI & Robotics conference in California.  Lilli Szafranski was involved with thousands between her build on the Ziggy Project and contributions with Ziggy at Electric Daisy Carnival and Stoicheia [ELEMENTS] at SOAK 2018.  Mark Stumbris shared his knowledge at a booth at BISD Youth career day in Texas.

Chris Matthieu spoke at the Citrix Master's Retreat in Arizona.  Stephen Wylie exhibited his knowledge to over 1,500 developers at Hackwars 5 and Intel’s® Day Zero event.  Peter Ma spoke to over 1,000 through builds, demos and booths he hosted at events including DV Mobility Hackathon, Evidence Synthesis Hackathon, DoraHacks & Huobi Blockchain & AI Hackathon, Intel® AIDC, O'Reilly AI Conference NY, Dorahack Blockchain for Future Hackathon and IoT World Hackathon. Peter made it to the Top 10 Finalists at 2018 China International Big Data Fusion Innovation & AI Global Competition and won $5,000 at Hack HLTH.


Lorenzo Karavania hosted a booth at CodeMotion Rome.  Marco Minerva showcased his work through talks on “Computer Vision as a way to discover the history of our cities” andMicrosoft* Student Partner IoT Day powered by DotNetToscana.”  Matteo Valoriani covered Gaming, VR and more at Opera Master: Mixed Reality for Healthcare, CodeMotion, Master Varese, Policlinico di Napoli. At Data Driven Innovation, Matteo talked about how to combine Hololens with Machine Learning, and he also hosted gaming demos at LabyrinthTea where people could experience mixed reality as part of Design Week Milan.

Oluwatobi Oyinlola hosted a workshop and spoke to hundreds at events TechPoint Inspire, TechDropOff, TEDEX and GATE SUMMIT.  Adam Milton-Barker put on a demo for Detecting breast cancer with the IoT and Computer Vision, as well as gave a training on Implementing Facial Recognition with Deep Learning.  Eyal Gruss presented talks at Intel® AI Roadshow, gave a talk on “A shallow introduction to deep learning” across conferences in 3 Israeli cities, spoke at The IT Branch @ Olamot conference.  Gregory Menvielle not only put on booths for hundreds at VivaTech, SIDO Conference and Esri Conference for A Sustainable World, but also presented at Geo Business Conference, Padova (Webinar) and Esri UK User Conference.

Fabrizio Lapiello gave a gentle introduction to IoT at DevDay Caserta and Google I/O Campania, as well as hosted workshops at Innovation Village, Arduino day Caserta, and the IoT Alliance Workshop.  Gokula Krishnan Santhanam gave a talk on Introduction to Adversarial Attacks and got hands-on at Intel in Switzerland.  Justin Shenk gave a booth demo for Computer Vision Emotion Detection App with Movidius™ NCS at Intel and joined in at the Machine Learning Stockholm Meetup.  Liang Wang covered modern code at the Presentation of Owl Scientific Computing Library in London.

Rishabh Banga showed off his work at EIA 2018 Finals Week in addition to giving talks on Getting started with UP2 board and IoT in Medical stream s. Michele Tameni hosted a booth for MeltMonitor, sensors for injection molding.  Rishal Hurbans worked on several different presentations through South Africa including meetups and a Usergroup Tour demonstrating Entelect AI Challenge, a Workshop on Machine Learning and Neural Networks, Career Guidance and AI Workshop for Interns at Microsoft and Hosted AI ZA Meetups in Johannesburg and Pretoria.

Tejumade Afonja presented her studies through a video presentation AI Saturday Lagos in Nigeria.  Salvino Fidacaro showed what he knows about virtual reality at TechDay 2018 in Italy.  Sherif Abdelkarim spoke on AI at several events including Intel® AI Meetup Cairo, Machine Learning 02 and Alama Deep Learning Specialization.  Silviu-Tudor Serban joined in for two different talks and a booth at events Intel® AI DevCon and DevTalks Cluj. 


Guo Yuejie showcased his talents at the Hikvision Demo Showcase in Shanghai.  Angelo Qiao participated in two meetups including IoT User Cases and Night of New Intelligence Dev Kit.  Dequan Wang gave presentations at the 2018 New Intelligence Industry Seminar in Wuxi Station and the 2018 IAMD in Beijing.  Fuli Liu shared wisdom with nearly 2,000 people across several conferences including The Belt & Road International Forum, 2018 Wintec Channel Conferences, and the 2018 AngJie Informatization Seminar in addition to a booth held at the AWS Summit.

Xiaodong Liang and Zhong Wu hosted trainings at Intel® Industry workshop in China.  Mengzhu Long trained people at events 2018 ZHI.CHUANG Future, 2018 JINGDATA AI Industry Summit, New Vehicle Intelligence AR HUD and Panda 2018 AI Music TV launch Event.  Yueping Lu hosted a webinar on IoT at 2018 Intel® CCE Hardware Zoon and Machine Vision in China.  Zhao Jinglei participated in talks at 2018 AI for Vision, 2018 ZHI.CHUANG Future in addition to a booth at the 2018 Global AI Product Application Expo.

Hongbo Xiao showed off his work at the 2018 Senscape Channel Conference on top of a booth at the 2018 Global AI Product Application Expo.  Jun Yin made a stop in the US and travelled all over China for talks, demos and booths for thousands at events including China AI Security Conference, DAHUA Channel Conference, Demo Day, ISC West, 74th China Education Equipment Exhibition, Security & Protection Application Tech Conference, Solution Day June, HUARUI/INTEL/ANSHENMEI New Product Launch Event, New Era New Economy and New Future, DAHUA & SGS Unite Lab Meetup and the West Lake Sword & Network Security Summit.   

Student Ambassador Spotlight

Sarvaiya Adityakumar Kirtikumar joined in at the MeetUP-Y18S4 in India to touch on AI.  Sarvesh Singh was a host to roughly 100 at India’s AI Workshop.  Shaury Baranwal put on a demo at the Hackathon presentation regarding AI in India.  Shen Xinyue exhibited some of her work through a workshop on Intel® architecture-based AI technology in our lives in China.  Soubhik Das demonstrated his knowledge on AI at TrailheaDX Global Gathering 2018 in India.  Sri Harsha Gajavalli hosted a workshop at a Five Day Training event in India.

Debdyut Hajra showed his skills via workshop on Computational Intelligence in India.  Alok Pandey taught an 8-week Statistics in Machine Learning Training Program.  Anirban Santara displayed his knowledge at Intel® AIDevCon 2018 and met up with others at the Intel® Student Ambassador Summit. Christian Gabor gave a talk at Chicago’s Intel® AI DevCamp.

Bruna Pearson delivered her thoughts at Durham University Research Day 2018.  Daniel Theisges dos Santos shared his ideas to hundreds by speaking at both The Developers Conference 2018 – Florianopolis and Intel® Artificial Intelligence in Intel® Architecture.  David Ojika gave a talk on Fast CNN Inference in Resource-Constrained Environments at Intel® AIDC.

Emanuel Di Nardo gave a presentation of his university work and shared his thoughts on AI at the Poster session at IWCV18 and Google IO Extended Campania.  Devinder Kumar was a host at Panel Moderation in Waterloo, Ontario.  Yash Akhauri joined in at the meet up at California’s Intel® Student Ambassador Summit at Intel® AIDC.  Divyansh Jha spoke at Intro to AI by Intel.  John Ibare demonstrated his build at AI NeuroHackathon in Pittsburg.  Nishant Srivastava presented in Berlin at The A, B and C of Lifecycle Components event.

Kshitiz Rimal displayed a multitude of different trainings at his 4 talks and workshops on Deep Learning across Nepal in addition to presentations at DMH Friday Session X – “AI is Future” and the Facebook F8 Meetup in Kathmandu.  Marcin Stachowiak presented to 300 at A Speech on Code Europe in Poland.  Srivatsa Sinha was involved through a workshop at the Artificial Intelligence Symposium in India.  Nicholas Monto put on a workshop at UConn x Intel® AI Ambassador Lab in Connecticut.  Nikhil Murthy shared his thoughts and findings at the Boston Machine Learning Meetup.

Szymon Kocot showed off his work at several different events including BigData Hackaton (by eestec and ING), Esstec Challenge Big Data hackathon finals, AI Student Ambassador Summit Poster Session on top of his video First Annual Symposium on A.I. & Automation.  Ujjwal Upadhyay put on a workshop in India at Workshop on AI.  Mohamed Ahmed Moselhy Aesawy touched on AI at sessions 1 and 2 of FCI Machine Learning Workshop in Egypt.  Vincenzo Santopietro was involved with AI talks at BST and Google I/O Extended Campania.

Want to learn more?

Read the latest innovator updates, get an overview of the Innovator program its benefits as well as learrn more about our Black Belt Software Developer and Student Ambassador programs. Check out Developer Mesh to discover more about the various projects that our community of innovators are working on.

Interested in more information? Email Wendy Boswell