Where Coding Smart Matters: Be First-to-Market with your Dream Embedded Innovation

ID 标签 777719
已更新 10/25/2016
版本 Latest



int_Mkr_1160_MkrWrkngTeam_5600-Embedded-375pxThe next big game-changer in embedded and the Internet of Things (IoT) might not be created yet. And of the uncountable great ideas conceived by talented embedded developers, whom aspire to build them and pack their piggybanks with profits—many will miss their opportunity windows in racing to be first-to-market with their amazing innovation.

Fortunately for system and embedded devs who research the latest software tools know that coding smart matters: where you can shorten development time, enable power-saving features, and build-in fast performance and reliability to make their product stand above the competition.

Rather than cobbling together a host of tools to make it all work, Intel built an embedded dev tool suite to seamlessly provide tools and tricks to get ahead.

Ready, Set, Let’s Develop

Software for many systems and embedded devices like drones, cars, video surveillance cameras, home security or temperature controls, healthcare monitors, retail management, and more—can benefit from increased performance, power efficiency, and reliability. 

embedded usages

Intel® System Studio provides a pathway to achieve streamlined development with advanced analyzers, compilers and libraries, debuggers, and more all in one package. Developers can cannibalize this lynchpin by utilizing the tools to rapidly move from prototype to production whether it’s for edge devices or cloud applications—or even connecting them all together inbetween.

Take a look at what’s inside.

Figure 1. Intel System Studio tools, capabilities and components. This also shows the operating systems and range of Intel® architectures supported—from the smallest Intel® Quark™ SoC to Intel® Xeon® processor-based servers.


Advanced Capabilities for Specialized Tasks

To get to the heart of improving systems and embedded apps that touch a wide range of segments, developers need to dig deep into optimizing their code. This is where analyzers, compilers, performance libraries, and debuggers in Intel System Studio come in to help across the entire development cycle.

Boost power efficiency and performance. For a smarter way to develop smart code, using system-wide analyzers, compilers, and libraries can boost both power efficiency and performance for specific Intel® architectures on which system and embedded applications runs. If the processors also include Intel integrated graphics (Intel® HD graphics, Intel® Iris™ Graphics, and Intel® Iris Pro Graphics), Intel’s compilers can significantly improve performance by offloading the computation from the CPU. These tools are used not only for analyzing and debugging however, they can also identify and optimize hotspots, and more.

Other coding areas like image and signal processing, mathematical computations (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, and more), and multithreading can be improved through specialized tools in System Studio, including Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (see Figure 2), Intel® Math Kernel Library, and Intel® Threading Building Blocks.

Figure 2. Performance boost for image resize functions with Intel® Performance Primitives, a component tool in Intel System Studio.**


Strengthen system reliability. Quickly and easily enhance system stability using in-depth, system-wide debuggers and analyzers. Along with tracing technology, system developers can quickly catch and debug the platform bring-up, firmware, BIOS, OS, and device driver-related issues with source-level information. Debugging and tracing is made much easier by enabling debug over a standard USB connection instead of expensive JTAG probes (Figure 3).


Figure 3. Debug over a standard USB connection.


More Resources


**Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more information go to http://www.intel.com/performance.

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