Fengxian Chen

Intel® Certified Instructor




Fengxian Chen works at the Supercomputing Center of Lanzhou University (LZU SC). LZU SC is a research and supercomputing center that supports scientific and engineering calculations of various disciplines at Lanzhou University.

The application areas of LZU SC include computational physics, atmospheric science, natural resources and environmental studies, materials science, ecology, drug design, and AI, which involve multiple disciplines such as physics, atmospheric science, chemistry, grassland science, mathematics, statistics, mechanics, biology, nuclear science, earth science, and computer science.

Fengxian Chen is a computer engineer whose main research areas are optimizing high-performance clusters, job scheduling, and software transplants on different computing architectures.

Location: China



  • AI
  • Data Science
  • Deep Learning
  • GPU Accelerators
  • HPC
  • Machine Learning

Instructor Certification

Machine Learning Using oneAPI
