OpenCL 2.0 Shared Virtual Memory Code Sample

ID 标签 671676
已更新 11/22/2015
版本 Latest



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This sample demonstrates the fundamentals of using Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) capabilities in OpenCL™ applications. The SVM Basic code sample uses the OpenCL 2.0 APIs to query SVM support and manage SVM allocations for the selected OpenCL 2.0 device. The sample code implements an algorithm to demonstrate pointer sharing between host and device with OpenCL SVM features. Advanced topics like use of atomics within SVM allocations and associated performance considerations are out of the scope of this tutorial.

Supported OS: Windows* OS
Complexity Level: Novice

For more information about the sample refer to the sample documentation inside the package.

* OpenCL and the OpenCL logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos.