Code Sample: Custom Audio Editor Tool with Unreal Engine* for Sound Spatialization in VR

ID 标签 686904
已更新 5/30/2018
版本 Latest




License: Intel Sample Source Code License Agreement
Optimized for...  
OS: Microsoft Windows® 10 (64 bit)
Hardware: GPU required, HTC Vive*
(Programming Language, tool, IDE, Framework)
Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017, C#; Unreal Engine* 4.18.1 or greater

Familiarity with Visual Studio, Unreal Engine API, 3D graphics, parallel processing.

Tutorial: How to Build a Custom Audio Editor with Unreal Engine* for Sound Spatialization in VR


This Code Sample show you step-by-step on building a useful tool for VR devs using Unreal Engine that leverages the power of intel CPU’s.  Unreal Engine has a powerful virtual reality editor option, but something they did not include is the ability to edit and place sounds while inside VR. It can be troublesome constantly having to restart the editor after adjusting a sound to test what it sounds like in VR. So we decided to create a sound editor that allows game devs and sound designers alike to quickly place, edit, and test spatialized sound inside VR! This will prevent the user from having to constantly enter and exit the editor.

What You Will Learn

  • Motion controller interaction
  • How to create a custom C++ class
  • VR UI
  • Saving editor changes
  • Sound spatialization parameters

Below, we will walk you through step-by-step to demonstrate how we made this custom audio editor tool for Unreal Engine from start to finish.


Before we begin, you need to do a couple of things. Download and unzip the project folder. You also need to make sure you have at least version 4.18.1 of Unreal Engine* installed.

When you have downloaded and unzipped the folder, right-click on Intel_VR_Audio_Tools.uproject and select "Generate Visual Studio project files." After that completes, open the project. A popup that says "Missing Intel_VR_Audio_Tools Modules" will appear. Click "Yes" to start the rebuild; this should take less than 20 seconds. This is needed because of how you are dynamically finding .wav files that have been added to the project, which will be explained in the Custom C++ Class section.

Follow the tutorial for the step-by-step to build the custom tool.

Updated Log

Created April 25, 2018
