How do I upgrade a software product from an evaluation version to a commercial or academic version?

ID 标签 689786
已更新 10/20/2017
版本 Latest



If you have an evaluation license and upgraded to a commercial or academic license, complete the following steps after obtaining new commercial serial number:

For Named-User (Single-User) Licenses:

Option 1:

  1. Register the new serial number at the Intel® Registration Center.
  2. Replace the evaluation .lic file with the new commercial .lic file in the license directory (See: Finding my Intel software license on my system)
    • The default license folder for Intel Software Development Products is as follows:
      1. On Windows*: <installation drive>\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
      2. On Linux*: /opt/intel/licenses
      3. On OS X*: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses

Product re-installation is not required.

Option 2:

Use Intel Software Manager (ISM) to convert from an evaluation license to a commercial or academic license. Click the “Activate” link on the license tab to obtain a license file from Intel Registration Center (IRC) based on the provided commercial or academic serial number. The license file is obtained and placed by ISM on the system.

Note: On Windows, you must have admin rights for this since the product, uses the program files\common folder.
On Linux, administration rights are not required for product activation. If a user does not have access to the /opt folder, the license will be stored into their home folder.

Using Intel Software Manager, you are not required to previously register the serial number. The evaluation license will still be on the system, but it will be ignored since the commercial or academic license is now available. Product re-installation is not required.

For Floating Licenses:

  1. A license manager should be already installed and running on the license server and a floating license for the product should be loaded on the server. The getting started tutorial is here.
  2. You need to set the INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable on the client (where the product will be running) to: PORT@HOST
    For more information , please see: How to set INTEL_LICENSE_FILE Environment Variable.

If the product can’t find a valid license at this point, you will need to verify that the client system can “see” the license server. The easiest way is to telnet on that port using the same name as you used in the environment variable.
Example: If your PORT@HOST in the environment variable is, you should do this for the telnet: telnet 28518


How to configure your license server: refer to this article

How to download and setup License manager: refer to this article

User's Guide:

Installation overview and troubleshooting instructions for Host and clients can be found in the Appendix of the Intel® FLEXlm* License Manager User's Guide.



  • Intel® Visual Fortran development environment based on Microsoft Visual Studio Shell is included with Academic and Commercial licenses for Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Edition. It is not included with Evaluation or Student licenses, nor with “Compiler Suite” products that also include the Intel® C++ Compiler.
  • If you purchased a floating license: Please refer to the article on how to set up a license manager.