Leveraging Intel Developer Cloud through cnvrg.io Metacloud has accelerated our ability to deliver AI solutions. The seamless onboarding experience has made it easy to adopt the latest Intel hardware on demand, and leverage optimized hardware for different AI workloads including data processing, training, and predictions.

Ido Rivlin
Maisha Labs 首席技术官

cnvrg.io is perfect for teams that want to start AI with the best MLOps practices. From the moment we started using cnvrg.io, it took only 1 month to deliver AI results because it is intuitive, centralized and simple to use. With cnvrg.io we were able to focus more time experimenting on the model itself, rather than learning the platform and learning how to operationalize our model.

Brice Macias
Shotgun 软件工程师

与众多数据科学专业团队一样,我们的团队也已精益求精为宗旨。他们希望拥有可以使用任何语言的灵活性,以及编写自定义包以改善性能、设定配置的能力等等,有了 cnvrg.io,我第一次听到数据科学家和分析师们说,“我们什么时候能用上它?”

Alexander Ryabov
Wargaming.net 数据服务 &商业情资负责人

在使用 cnvrg.io 之前,我们对研究阶段之外的整个模型生命周期几乎没有控制权。借助 cnvrg.io 的机器学习运维功能,我们这些数据科学家能够从头到尾掌控模型的整个生命周期,而无需直接依赖工程师。得益于 cnvrg.io,我们可以开展更多项目、快速实现价值,并节省因技术复杂性而花费的时间。

Ohad Hegedish